WSIS Forum 2022

IEEE @ the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2022

Commenced on 15 March 2022 | Final Week 30 May - 03 June 2022

The WSIS Forum 2022 started on 15 March 2022 and included a series of thematic/country workshops, high-level policy sessions, special tracks on various thematic areas, knowledge café, a Hackathon, and exhibition addressing issues that are critical to WSIS implementation and follow-up in a multistakeholder setting. The final week of the WSIS Forum 2022 took place on 30 May – 03 June 2022, and consisted of policy statements, interactive high-level dialogues, a WSIS Prize ceremony, a ministerial round table as well as a series of WSIS Action Line facilitation meetings.

As a Specific Activity sponsor to the WSIS Forum, IEEE SA participated in many areas including making High-Level Policy Statements, acting as a High-Level Track Facilitator, hosting two virtual Thematic Workshops; on “Time-Sensitive Networking” (22 April 2022, 15:00-16:00 CEST), and “Is it technically possible to make the digital world age appropriate?” (11 May 2022). IEEE SA also organized an in-person Knowledge Café on “Planet Positive: Imagine the Future We Can Build Together” (02 June 2022, 09:00-10:30 CEST).

Learn more about Sustainability and join us as we work to contribute to building a more sustainable, stable, and equitable world.

IEEE contributed to the following sessions:

WSIS Forum 2022: Inauguration Ceremony

15 March 2022, 13:00-14:00 CEST

The WSIS Forum represents the world’s largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community. It provides a platform for multistakeholder cooperation, information exchange and implementation of the WSIS Action Lines to ensure that ICTs remain a key enabler in achieving the globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals. This year’s theme is ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion and Resilience: WSIS Cooperation for Accelerating Progress on the SDGs.

This session inaugurates the WSIS Forum 2022 on 15 March. The Forum will culminate with the final week on 30 May – 3 June 2022, which will take place in person at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva.

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IEEE Thematic Workshop on Time-Sensitive Networking

22 April 2022, 15:00-16:00 CEST

IEEE Thematic Workshop: Is it technically possible to make the digital world age appropriate?

11 May 2022, 15:00-16:00 CEST

IEEE Facilitation of High-Level Policy Session 5: ICT Applications and Services

31 May 2022 from 16:00-17:00 CEST

Intervention during High-Level Policy Session 6: Climate Change/Bridging Digital Divides

31 May 2022, 16:00-17:00 CEST

Outcomes of the High-level Policy Sessions and Conclusion of High-Level Track by Chairman

01 June 2022; 17:00-18:00 CEST

IEEE Knowledge Café: Planet Positive “Imagine the Future We Can Build Together”

02 June 2022, 09:00-10:45 CEST

WSIS Action Line C10: High-level interaction on implementing ethical AI globally

02 June 2022, 16:30-18:15 CEST

WSIS TalkX: ICT Inspirational Stories

02 June 2022, 19:30-22:00 CEST

Closing Ceremony of the WSIS Forum 2022

03 June 2022, 16:30-17:30 CEST
Popov Room, ITU Tower Building (with remote participation)

IEEE Workshop @ WSIS Forum 2022

Time-Sensitive Networking

22 April 2022, 15:00-16:00 CEST

Imagine the opportunities possible if networking was instant and reliable, between people and things that matter, when and where it matters most.

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) makes it possible to carry data traffic of time-critical applications over a network shared by various kinds of applications having different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements.  TSN provides guaranteed data transport with bounded low latency, low delay variation, and extremely low data loss.  By reserving resources for critical traffic, and applying various queuing and shaping techniques, TSN achieves zero congestion loss for critical data traffic. This, in turn, allows TSN to guarantee a worst-case end-to-end latency for critical data. 

These features make TSN applicable and economical for various use cases in the digital transformation. TSN can be used in various verticals, e.g., in industrial automation networks being developed for smart factories, in cellular networks, in networks for critical machine-to-machine communication, for new networking approaches in vehicles including support for autonomous driving, and many more, with a constantly expanding list.

Dr. J. Farkas Headshot

Dr. János Farkas
Research Engineer
Ericsson Research

Dr. János Farkas is a principal researcher in the area of deterministic networking at Ericsson Research. He is active in standardization of deterministic networking technologies in packet networks, for which he received the IEEE Standards Association Medallion. He serves as the Chair of the IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking Task Group, and as a Co-Chair of the IETF Deterministic Networking Working Group. He holds Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.

Silvana Rodriques Headshot

Silvana Rodriques
Senior Principle Engineer

Silvana holds an Electronic and Electrical Engineering degree from University of Campinas, Brazil. She has been working on network synchronization and actively contributing to synchronization standards development for more than 15 years.

She has been the secretary of IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Working Group since the beginning of the work of IEEE 1588 version 2. She is the editor of IEEE 801.1ASdr, and participates and contributes to several IEEE 802.1 TSN working groups.

She is currently the associate rapporteur and editor of several recommendations at ITU-T SG15 Q13 (the synchronization experts group).

Jordan Woods Headshot

Jordon Woods
Product Line Director
Analog Semiconductor

Jordon Woods is the product line director for Analog Devices line of industrial Ethernet products. Woods has 35 years of experience in the semiconductor industry. He is familiar with a variety of Ethernet-based Industrial protocols including Profinet, Ethernet/IP, as well as IEEE Std 802.1AS and other emerging TSN standards. He is also a voting member of the IEEE 802 working group defining new Ethernet standards for Time Sensitive Networks and the editor of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Time-Sensitive Networking Profile for Industrial Automation.

A. Jabbar Headshot

Abdul Jabbar
Principal Engineer
GE Research

Dr. Abdul Jabbar is a principal engineer at GE Research driving research, development, and adoption of next generation networking and communication technologies in aerospace, transportation, healthcare, and power. He is the editor and co-chair of IEEE P802.1DP standard on TSN profile for Aerospace. He holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas.

Max Turner Headshot

Max Turner
Automotive Network Architecture Lead

Max Turner holds a Diploma degree in Physics from the University of Ulm. He joined BMW in Munich at the end of 2002 where he worked on MOST and FlexRay physical layer specifications. From 2005 to 2008 Max was working at the BMW Technology Office in Palo Alto, California where he focussed on DSRC based V2x communication around IEEE802.11P and IEEE1609. After his return to Munich he started the introduction of Ethernet into Autosar (Socket Adaptor) and became part of the team developing the Diagnostics over IP (ISO13400) specification. Max was part of the team introducing Ethernet (e.g. SOME/IP and AVB) into BMW vehicles and was active in IEEE and AVnu to foster automotive Ethernet adaptations. Max spent two years at Jaguar Land Rover in Gaydon UK, where he worked on vehicle network architectures focussed on automated driving, before joining Ethernovia in Dec. 2019, where he serves as Automotive Network Architecture Lead, bringing OEM experience and latest semiconductor hardware design together. Max is currently the Editor of IEEE P802.1DG, the TSN Profile for Automotive In-Vehicle Ethernet Communications.

Glenn Parsons Headshot

Glenn Parsons
Principal Standardization Advisor
5G Transport

Glenn Parsons leads standards strategy and policy for Ericsson, including network architecture for 5G radio transport networks. Glenn is an internationally known expert in networking, including mobile transport and Ethernet. Over the past number of years, he has held several technical management and editor positions in various standards activities including MEF, IETF, IEEE SA, and ITU-T. He has also held elected and appointed leadership roles in standardization governance in IEEE SA and ITU-T. He is currently involved with 5G transport standardization in IEEE SA and ITU-T and is the chair of IEEE 802.1 working group.  In addition to being the founding Editor-in-chief for IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, he was previously a Senior Technical Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine.

He graduated in 1992 with a B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.

IEEE Workshop @ WSIS Forum 2022

Is it technically possible to make the digital world age appropriate?

11 May 2022, 15:00 - 16:00 CEST

Online products and services can provide tremendous benefits, such as social connection to loved ones far away, information from around the world, and learning opportunities for underserved communities, as well as risks, such as manipulation, misinformation, and reputational harm, so it is critical to better design digital products and services to maintain the human rights and thriving of children. In this workshop, participants will hear about practical aspects of making the digital world age-appropriate and how thoughtful approaches can enhance trustworthy online/offline experiences for children. Panelists will discuss questions such as:

  • How to overcome the problem of children being an invisible stakeholder group? Children are an important stakeholder group, making up a third of people online, yet they are not catered to in much of the digital world. We need to work directly and indirectly with all stakeholders, including children, to overcome risks.
  • How to create processes that adapt with changing technologies? The panel will also touch on the importance of designing in continuous assessment to check how things are working as technology evolves and elements like AR and VR are added to the functionality of systems.
  • How to approach the different age groups and 13-17-year-olds being considered adults? In no other environment are 13-17-year-olds considered “adults.” We need to handle the age group distinctions in an empathetic way, and account for children’s evolving capacities as we design environments for them.

At its core, the problem is multi-faceted, including business models, engineering, and social and policy questions. Given the technical foundation of digital environments, engineers have an important role to play. They must include children and child-development experts in the design, and they can meet policymakers from the bottom up and help by making tools that respect and uphold children’s rights. We will discuss examples of products and services designed in such a way, and the example of the new IEEE standard IEEE 2089-2021 – IEEE Standard for Age Appropriate Digital Services Framework – Based on the 5Rights Principles for Children. This standard sets out processes through the life cycle of development, delivery, and distribution that will help organizations ask the right relevant questions of their services, identify risks and opportunities by which to make their services age-appropriate, and take steps to mitigate risk and embed beneficial systems that support increased age-appropriate engagement.

Teki Akuetteh Headshot

Teki Akuetteh
ICT/Telecom Lawyer

Teki Akuetteh is an ICT/Telecom Lawyer, a Privacy/Data Protection Consultant and Senior Partner at a law firm based in Accra, Ghana. She is also the Founder and Executive Director of the Africa Digital Rights Hub, a member of the UN Global Pulse Privacy Advisory Group, and a non-resident fellow of the Center for Global Development.

Learn More About Teki Akuetteh

Previously, Teki has worked for the Government of Ghana in the development of several key legislations for the ICT sector including the Data Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843), Electronic Communications Act, 2008 (Act 775), and Electronic Transactions Act, 2012 (Act 772). She was also the first Executive Director of the Data Protection Commission of Ghana.

Teki holds an LLM in Information Technology and Telecommunications Law from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland and a Bachelor of Arts in Law and Political Science from the University of Ghana (Legon), Accra – Ghana.


Julie Dawson Headshot

Julie Dawson
Director, Regulatory and Policy

Julie leads regulatory and government relations for Yoti digital identity platform; developing policy approaches for fraud prevention and safeguarding, liaising with national and sectoral trust frameworks, in conjunction with Yoti’s internal and external ethics boards.

Learn More About Julie Dawson

Julie  represents Yoti at numerous fora including the World Economic Forum Digital Identity Innovators; techUK Public Sector, Data Ethics and Digital Identity Boards, ADA Citizens Biometric Council Oversight Board, the All Party Parliamentary Group for Digital Identity, the Sprite + Network – Security, Privacy, Identity, and Trust Engagement Network, Strategic Advisory Board of the EPSRC programme ‘INTUIT: Interaction Design for Trusted Sharing of Personal Health Data to Live Well with HIV’ and the EU SHERPA Stakeholder Board – looking at the combination of artificial intelligence and big data analytics and their impact on ethics and human rights issues.

Katina Michael Headshot

Katina Michael
Arizona State University

Katina Michael BIT, MTransPriv, PhD is a professor at Arizona State University, a Senior Global Futures Scientist in the Global Futures Laboratory and has a joint appointment in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence. She is the director of the Society Policy Engineering Collective (SPEC) and the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. Katina is a senior member of the IEEE and a Public Interest Technology advocate who studies the social implications of technology. 

Learn More About Katina Michael

She began her career in industry working in management information systems in 1994 at OTIS Elevator Company, followed by Andersen Consulting, and then as a pre-sales telecommunications engineer until 2002. She was employed as a Professor at the University of Wollongong from 2002 till 2018, and was the Associate Dean International for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Systems overseeing 8 twinning and partner programs throughout Asia and the Middle East. Katina has consulted to various government agencies in both a paid and unpaid capacity, and holds several positions on boards, including the Council on RFID, IEEE SSIT, the Australian Privacy Foundation and previously was a member of the Consumer Federation of Australia. She has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Australian Research Council for research into citizen-centered smart city design, adaptive AI training systems, and location-based services. She has held 14 annual workshops in the social implications of national security space and chaired 3 international symposia on technology and society (ISTAS) in Wollongong, Toronto and Phoenix. 

Katina is the Senior Editor of the socioeconomic impact section in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine and was the editor in chief of the award-winning IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. In 2019 she took on the role of working group chair for the IEEE 2089 standard. In 2020 she received the ICTO Golden Medal for lifetime achievement award for exceptional contributions to research in information systems, and the IEEE Phoenix section’s Outstanding Member Contributing to Global Humanitarian Projects Award for her contributions to a better understanding of the impact of emerging technologies on humanity. In 2017, she also received the Brian M. O’Connell Society on the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) Distinguished Service Award.

Moira Patterson Headshot

Moira Patterson
Global Market Affairs & Community Engagement Director
IEEE Standards Association (SA)

As Global Market Affairs & Community Engagement Director for IEEE SA, Ms. Patterson oversees key initiatives related to digital inclusion and identity, data governance, and children’s online experiences. She has managed strategic initiatives and policy engagements in Europe and Africa and engaged in capacity building activities. In her role, Ms. Patterson has facilitated dialogue among various stakeholders (industry, government, academia, and social impact bodies) on ICT technology and the intersection of technology and policy, and worked in multi-stakeholder environments across various technical domains and industry sectors. By promoting standards’ potential to support sustainable development and to address digital challenges, Ms. Patterson contributes to IEEE’s mission of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

Learn More About Moira Patterson

IEEE SA is a globally-recognized standards-setting body that develops consensus standards through an open process that engages industry and brings together a broad stakeholder community. IEEE SA has a portfolio of over 1,200 active standards and more than 650 standards under development. Ms. Patterson has been employed by IEEE SA since 2007.

Ms. Patterson holds a B.A. in Political Science (Comparative Politics) from Western Washington University and an M.A. in Political Science (Comparative Politics, Developing Countries) from McGill University.

Intervention during the High-level Strategic Dialogue with Partners on ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion, and Resilience: WSIS Cooperation for Accelerating Progress on the SDGs

31 May 2022 from 10:40-11:40 CEST
Popov Room, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Alpesh Shah Headshot

Alpesh Shah
Senior Director of Global Business Strategy & Intelligence
IEEE Standards Association

Alpesh Shah serves as the Senior Director of Global Business Strategy & Intelligence at the IEEE Standards Association, where his focus is on organizational growth and advancements of ecosystems towards sustainable and scalable standardized outcomes in an accelerated fashion.

Given the strategic and impact oriented focus, his portfolio also includes supporting trustworthy children’s online and offline experiences, addressing sustainability and climate change, among other critical intersections to  better support future-affirming technological  experiences.

Learn More About Alpesh Shah

Alpesh has served as an active UNICEF advisory group expert, a member of the AI Commons, the People-Centered Internet, a contributor to a number of multi-stakeholders frameworks and collaborations; and he has functioned as an expert to T7 think tank on sustainability and contributor to CEN/CENELEC initiatives related to Children’s Data Governance and others. Alpesh has spoken at a number of conferences, for, and to expert groups, including  AI for Good, OECD Going Digital Steering Group, the IEEE SA’s Digital Inclusion, Identity and Trust in Agency workshops on Children Online/Offline Experiences, and is an often requested speaker and panelist on topics at the intersection of technology, scalable businesses and related governance  perspectives.

Prior to joining the IEEE, Alpesh worked as a trusted advisor to and for a number of organizations in various industries with a focus on organizational growth. Alpesh holds an MBA from The University of Chicago with concentrations in Strategy, Marketing, and Finance; MSc in IT Project Management from DePaul University, and a BSc in Computer Science from Loyola University Chicago. In his spare time, he volunteers with Special Spectators, a non-profit committed to providing seriously ill children and their families a special day through sporting events across the United States.

IEEE Intervention during the High-Level Policy Session 6: Climate Change/Bridging Digital Divides

31 May, 16:00-17:00 CEST
Room C1, ITU Tower, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Maike Luiken Headshot

Maike Luiken
2022 IEEE Past VP of Member and Geographic Activities
IEEE, Canada

Maike Luiken, PhD, SMIEEE, IEEE-HKN, FEIC, is 2022 IEEE Past Vice President – Member & Geographic Activities. She served as President of IEEE Canada in 2018 – 2019 and, in 2018, as Chair, Policy Track, IEEE Internet Initiative. She is and has been for more than 15 years a very strong supporter of sustainable development.

She is a co-owner and managing director, R&D, at a start-up company and also an Adjunct Research Professor at Western University, London, Canada.

Learn More About Maike Luiken

Previously, in Sarnia, Canada, she led the Bluewater Sustainability Initiative, 2006 – 2013, and was the founding Director of the Bluewater Technology Access Centre (now Lambton Manufacturing Innovation Centre) following eight years as Dean at Lambton College with several portfolios: School of Technology and Applied Sciences, Business Development, Sustainable Development and Applied Research. Her strategic leadership in the development of the applied research & innovation capacity and portfolio led to Lambton College becoming one of the three top Research Colleges in Canada.

Her areas of interest and expertise span diverse technical areas from ICT, energy and water to advanced manufacturing and nanotechnologies as well as technology design principles, ethics in design and policy associated with their implementation. She has particular interest in how progress in one area, e.g., in ICT, enables advances in other disciplines and in how deployment of various technologies contributes – or not – to achieving sustainable development. 

Maike has experience in the public and private sectors in Canada and has worked in the USA and Germany.

IEEE Facilitation of High-Level Policy Session 5: ICT Applications and Services

31 May 2022 from 16:00-17:00 CEST
Popov Room, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
Moira Patterson Headshot

Moira Patterson
Global Market Affairs & Community Engagement Director
IEEE Standards Association (SA)

As Global Market Affairs & Community Engagement Director for IEEE SA, Ms. Patterson oversees key initiatives related to digital inclusion and identity, data governance, and children’s online experiences. She has managed strategic initiatives and policy engagements in Europe and Africa and engaged in capacity building activities. In her role, Ms. Patterson has facilitated dialogue among various stakeholders (industry, government, academia, and social impact bodies) on ICT technology and the intersection of technology and policy, and worked in multi-stakeholder environments across various technical domains and industry sectors. By promoting standards’ potential to support sustainable development and to address digital challenges, Ms. Patterson contributes to IEEE’s mission of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

Learn More About Moira Patterson

IEEE SA is a globally-recognized standards-setting body that develops consensus standards through an open process that engages industry and brings together a broad stakeholder community. IEEE SA has a portfolio of over 1,200 active standards and more than 650 standards under development. Ms. Patterson has been employed by IEEE SA since 2007.

Ms. Patterson holds a B.A. in Political Science (Comparative Politics) from Western Washington University and an M.A. in Political Science (Comparative Politics, Developing Countries) from McGill University.

IEEE WSIS Knowledge Café

Planet Positive “Imagine the Future We Can Build Together”

Thursday, 02 June 2022 from 09:00-10:45 CEST

An interactive session to explore how we can translate technological solutions into innovations that enable a sustainable future–and how we can collectively imagine and build a Planet Positive Future for 2030.

In addition to attending this session, learn more and hopefully join The Planet Positive 2030 Campaign created by a global, open community of experts supported by IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization Advancing Technology for Humanity. 

Mila Aliana Headshot
Mila Aliana
“Chief Weaver” and Member of Advisory Board
IEEE Planet Positive 2030 (Chair, Editorial Committee)


Mila is a global senior consultant and leader for close to 30 years. Currently, she is also Chief Weaver and member of the Advisory Board for the Planet Positive 2030 initiative, collaborating together to design a strong sustainable white paper with IEEE Chairs from around the world. She has a wealth of commercial acumen for the strategic thinking and execution of global business transformations and portfolio management of strategic change projects and programmes in various industries and sectors working with and for government, NGOs, not-for-profits, and public sectors. As an Executive Director, leading global teams and delivering multi-million dollar initiatives, Mila has an intimate knowledge and experience of leadership, management, and business issues at global, national, and local levels including the complex and systemic challenges faced within organisational and societal change.

Learn More About Mila Aliana

Coupled with Mila’s quest to explore and experiment on human ecosystem collaborations, aligned with living system (nature) principles, serving life and future generations. Together with a variety of communities, groups and organisations, Mila is now actively experimenting social innovation initiatives in various sectors and industries towards prototyping and co-evolving decentralised and self-organising human and living systems, supported by participative design, prosocial collaborations, regenerative practices, and human system dynamics. In essence co-evolving with the whole evolving living system, marrying timeless wisdom and the spectrum of modern wisdom – arts, science, technology, human co-evolution and spirituality.

Maike Luiken Headshot

Maike Luiken
2022 IEEE Past VP of Member and Geographic Activities IEEE Canada


Maike served as President of IEEE Canada in 2018 – 2019 and, in 2018, as Chair, Policy Track, IEEE Internet Initiative. She is and has been for more than 15 years a very strong supporter of sustainable development.

She is a co-owner and managing director, R&D, at a start-up company and also an Adjunct Research Professor at Western University, London, Canada. 

Previously, in Sarnia, Canada, she led the Bluewater Sustainability Initiative, 2006 – 2013, and was the founding Director of the Bluewater Technology Access Centre (now Lambton Manufacturing Innovation Centre) following eight years as Dean at Lambton College with several portfolios: School of Technology and Applied Sciences, Business Development, Sustainable Development and Applied Research. Her strategic leadership in the development of the applied research & innovation capacity and portfolio led to Lambton College becoming one of the three top Research Colleges in Canada.

Learn More About Maike Luiken

Her areas of interest and expertise span diverse technical areas from ICT, energy and water to advanced manufacturing and nanotechnologies as well as technology design principles, ethics in design and policy associated with their implementation. She has particular interest in how progress in one area, e.g., in ICT, enables advances in other disciplines and in how deployment of various technologies contributes – or not – to achieving sustainable development. 

Maike has experience in the public and private sectors in Canada and has worked in the USA and Germany.

Bruno Meyer Headshot

Bruno Meyer
2022 IEEE Vice President Technical Activities (TAB)
ConsultBKM, France


In 2022, Bruno launched TAB work program on Climate Change. He has been an active IEEE volunteer in several fields, in particular in Power and Energy.

Bruno has over 36 years of experience in industry mainly in the field of power systems and energy utilities.

He is a former Senior Executive at RTE and EDF.

Navroop Sahdev Headshot

Navroop Sahdev
Founder & CEO
The Digital Economist, USA


Navroop Sahdev is the founder and CEO of The Digital Economist, a global impact organization with the mission to drive technological convergence toward a human-centered global economy. A pioneering economist and technology futurist, Navroop’s work lies at the intersection of emerging technologies, economic science and business strategy. Along with the world’s most respected digital economists, in 2019 she co-authored “Blockchain Economics: Implications of Distributed Ledgers: Markets, Communications Networks, and Algorithmic Reality”, the first book on the economics of blockchain. She has also co-authored Hyperledger’s “Blockchain for Business” online course which has trained close to 200,000 entrepreneurs globally, and counting.

Learn More About Navroop Sahdev

Additionally, Navroop is the founder and CEO of Rethink Markets, a global action-tank focused on the Economics of Emerging Technologies, with the mission to bridge the gap between scholarly economics and business applications.

Navroop holds three masters in IP Management, Economics of Innovation and Applied Economics. Previously, she has worked at Harvard University and the United Nations Environment Programme. She is currently a Connection Science Fellow at the MIT Media Lab, part of a curated group of top scholars and entrepreneurs in emerging technologies with a track record of outstanding achievement, who are building the future of Distributed Ledger Technologies, Digital Identity and Digital Networks.

John Havens Headshot

John C. Havens
IEEE Sustainability Practice Lead


John is Lead of the Sustainability Practice of the IEEE Standards Association. Previously at IEEE SA,  John was Executive Director of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems that had two primary outputs – the creation and iteration of a body of work known as Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and the recommendation of ideas for Standards Projects focused on prioritizing ethical considerations in A/IS. John was responsible for: the initial ideation, framing and execution for bringing together the more than seven hundred global thought leaders to create Ethically Aligned Design; was Founding Chair of IEEE 7000 and IEEE 7010 and helped launch more than a dozen other IEEE Standards Working Groups focused on AI, AI Ethics, AI Governance, and AI Procurement; and continues to work on staff at the IEEE Standards Association to help further design, proliferate, and standardize the concepts of human-centric, applied ethical, values-driven design for Responsible Innovation of all technologies.

Learn More About John C. Havens

Previously, John was an EVP of Social Media at PR Firm, Porter Novelli, led Business Development at BlogTalkRadio, and was a professional actor for over 15 years. John has written for Mashable and The Guardian and is author of the books, Heartificial Intelligence: Embracing Our Humanity To Maximize Machines and Hacking Happiness: Why Your Personal Data Counts and How Tracking it Can Change the World.

For more information, follow John on LinkedIn or @johnchavens on twitter. John currently has over ninety citations on Research Gate, and dozens of articles for outlets such as The Guardian, Quartz, IEEE Spectrum and Mashable.

WSIS Action Line C10: High-level interaction on implementing ethical AI globally

02 June 2022, 16:30 - 18:15 CEST
Room C2, ITU Power Building (with remote participation)

This session is aimed at taking stock of where we are and how to move forward with the tools that we have and that are about to be developed. Speakers will share their perspectives on what these tools should look like and encompass to make sure that developments in AI technologies do not create new forms of exclusion and inequalities and that countries have capacities to harness and justly distribute the benefits on a global level.

John Havens Headshot

John C. Havens
IEEE Sustainability Practice Lead


John is Lead of the Sustainability Practice of the IEEE Standards Association. Previously at IEEE SA,  John was Executive Director of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems that had two primary outputs – the creation and iteration of a body of work known as Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and the recommendation of ideas for Standards Projects focused on prioritizing ethical considerations in A/IS. John was responsible for: the initial ideation, framing and execution for bringing together the more than seven hundred global thought leaders to create Ethically Aligned Design; was Founding Chair of IEEE 7000 and IEEE 7010 and helped launch more than a dozen other IEEE Standards Working Groups focused on AI, AI Ethics, AI Governance, and AI Procurement; and continues to work on staff at the IEEE Standards Association to help further design, proliferate, and standardize the concepts of human-centric, applied ethical, values-driven design for Responsible Innovation of all technologies.

Learn More About John C. Havens

Previously, John was an EVP of Social Media at PR Firm, Porter Novelli, led Business Development at BlogTalkRadio, and was a professional actor for over 15 years. John has written for Mashable and The Guardian and is author of the books, Heartificial Intelligence: Embracing Our Humanity To Maximize Machines and Hacking Happiness: Why Your Personal Data Counts and How Tracking it Can Change the World.

For more information, follow John on LinkedIn or @johnchavens on twitter. John currently has over ninety citations on Research Gate, and dozens of articles for outlets such as The Guardian, Quartz, IEEE Spectrum and Mashable.

WSIS TalkX: Inspirational ICT Stories

02 June 2022, 19:30 - 22:00 CEST
ICT Discovery, ITU Montbrillant Building

Coming back to the ITU HQ, this year’s WSIS TalkX evening session will be another opportunity to hear from our WSIS stakeholders in which extraordinary way have ICTs shaped their lives and lives of communities they are servicing.

John Havens Headshot

John C. Havens
IEEE Sustainability Practice Lead


John is Lead of the Sustainability Practice of the IEEE Standards Association. Previously at IEEE SA,  John was Executive Director of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems that had two primary outputs – the creation and iteration of a body of work known as Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and the recommendation of ideas for Standards Projects focused on prioritizing ethical considerations in A/IS. John was responsible for: the initial ideation, framing and execution for bringing together the more than seven hundred global thought leaders to create Ethically Aligned Design; was Founding Chair of IEEE 7000 and IEEE 7010 and helped launch more than a dozen other IEEE Standards Working Groups focused on AI, AI Ethics, AI Governance, and AI Procurement; and continues to work on staff at the IEEE Standards Association to help further design, proliferate, and standardize the concepts of human-centric, applied ethical, values-driven design for Responsible Innovation of all technologies.

Learn More About John C. Havens

Previously, John was an EVP of Social Media at PR Firm, Porter Novelli, led Business Development at BlogTalkRadio, and was a professional actor for over 15 years. John has written for Mashable and The Guardian and is author of the books, Heartificial Intelligence: Embracing Our Humanity To Maximize Machines and Hacking Happiness: Why Your Personal Data Counts and How Tracking it Can Change the World.

For more information, follow John on LinkedIn or @johnchavens on twitter. John currently has over ninety citations on Research Gate, and dozens of articles for outlets such as The Guardian, Quartz, IEEE Spectrum and Mashable.

Closing Ceremony of the WSIS 2022 Forum

03 June 2022, 16:30 - 17:30 CEST
Popov Room, ITU Power Building (with remote participation)
Maike Luiken Headshot

Maike Luiken
2022 IEEE Past VP of Member and Geographic Activities
IEEE, Canada

Maike Luiken, PhD, SMIEEE, IEEE-HKN, FEIC, is 2022 IEEE Past Vice President – Member & Geographic Activities. She served as President of IEEE Canada in 2018 – 2019 and, in 2018, as Chair, Policy Track, IEEE Internet Initiative. She is and has been for more than 15 years a very strong supporter of sustainable development.

She is a co-owner and managing director, R&D, at a start-up company and also an Adjunct Research Professor at Western University, London, Canada.

Learn More About Maike Luiken

Previously, in Sarnia, Canada, she led the Bluewater Sustainability Initiative, 2006 – 2013, and was the founding Director of the Bluewater Technology Access Centre (now Lambton Manufacturing Innovation Centre) following eight years as Dean at Lambton College with several portfolios: School of Technology and Applied Sciences, Business Development, Sustainable Development and Applied Research. Her strategic leadership in the development of the applied research & innovation capacity and portfolio led to Lambton College becoming one of the three top Research Colleges in Canada.

Her areas of interest and expertise span diverse technical areas from ICT, energy and water to advanced manufacturing and nanotechnologies as well as technology design principles, ethics in design and policy associated with their implementation. She has particular interest in how progress in one area, e.g., in ICT, enables advances in other disciplines and in how deployment of various technologies contributes – or not – to achieving sustainable development. 

Maike has experience in the public and private sectors in Canada and has worked in the USA and Germany.

About WSIS Forum

The annual World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum brings together the largest gathering of the Information and Communications Technologies community that focuses on making the information society accessible to all. The WSIS Forum provides an opportunity for multi-stakeholder cooperation in providing meaningful connections to the information society. Furthermore, the 2022 WSIS Forum provides an opportunity to serve as a platform to track the achievements of WSIS Action Lines in collaboration with the UN Agencies involved and provide information and analyses of the implementation of WSIS Action Lines since 2005.

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