IEEE at the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) 2024

IEEE Sessions at EuroDIG 2024

If you are interested in attending EuroDIG 2024 and seeing IEEE in action, register for the below sessions:

Pre-Event 11: Launch Event for the Joint Report on the Metaverse and its Impact on Human Rights, Rule of Law, and Democracy

Monday, 17 June 2024 | 14:00 – 15:30 EEST
Building 4, Event Hall and Online

The concept of the Metaverse, a virtual world where digital and physical boundaries blur, presents a paradigm shift in how individuals perceive and engage with technology. From immersive gaming experiences to innovative educational platforms, the Metaverse offers a myriad of opportunities and challenges that demand attention from policymakers, technologists, and civil society.

The launch event aims to unveil and discuss the findings of the joint report, shedding light on the implications of immersive realities for human rights, rule of law and democracy. By convening key stakeholders, including policymakers, academics, industry representatives, and civil society actors, the event seeks to foster a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by the Metaverse.

Watch Session 1 On-Demand

  • Irene Kitsara, European Standardisation Initiatives Director, IEEE

Flash Session 2: Connecting the Unconnected: Enabling Rural Connectivity and Empowering Access

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 | 11:30 – 12:15 EEST
WS Room 2 and Online

This session will discuss the multifaceted challenges of network access and rural connectivity, noting the disparity between urban and rural connectivity and its implications on a communities development. The discussion will provide examples on how innovative technologies are being used to address rural connectivity and access challenges thus contributing to bridging the digital divide for the unconnected and under connected areas. One example is the role of the Gigabit Infrastructure Act, which is under finalization by the European Commission. The promise to deliver gigabit connectivity may collide with the technical challenges to fiber deployment in areas where there is a limited customer base and network deployment is not justified.

This session highlights the critical gap in access and connectivity faced by rural communities worldwide. It emphasizes the importance of digital connectivity and access in rural connectivity and the importance of exploration of new technologies in the context of rural settings. The discussion delves into the multifaceted challenges of rural connectivity, including geographical barriers, lack of infrastructure, population density, and the non-viability of traditional telecommunication solutions. It explores how these challenges contribute to a ‘digital divide,’ leaving rural populations at a disadvantage. Drawing on examples and the application of technical standards for technology-driven approaches such as the feasibility of broadband network solutions will show the potential for transformative change that will enable broadband connectivity in rural areas.

Watch Session 2 On-Demand

  • Harri Saarnisaari, Researcher, Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), Oulu University Finland/IEEE Future Networks Technical Community (FNTC)
  • Irina Soeffky, Director for National, European, and International Digital Policy, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), Germany
  • Talant Sultanov, Policy & Advocacy Lead/Advisor, Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP) for the Women in Digital Economy Fund (WinDEF)
  • Karen Mulberry, Senior Manager, Public Affairs, IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA)

Workshop 3: Network Evolution - Challenges and Solutions

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 | 10:30 – 11:30 EEST
WS Room 1 and Online

Fast Internet access is crucial for promoting digital inclusion and fostering economic development. Despite the European Commission’s ambitious targets for digital transformation, the EU falls short of reaching its goals. Policy initiatives like the Gigabit Infrastructure Act aim to speed up infrastructure deployment, while the EU Commission’s White Paper, “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” tackles broader challenges and opportunities in the telecommunications sector. The panel discussion will delve into strategies for actively expediting the development of robust and inclusive digital infrastructure in Europe.

Access to fast Internet connections is imperative for achieving digital inclusion, driving social and economic development, and fostering innovation. Recognizing this, the European Commission has set ambitious targets aimed at propelling the region towards a successful digital transformation for its citizens, businesses, and the environment. The EU has also set its sights on the next generation of digital applications and services – the ones that very high-speed broadband networks are designed to enable.

While progress has been made in deploying fibre and 5G networks across Europe, the pace varies significantly across countries and regions. Overall, the EU is still far from reaching its targets; the European Commission’s 2023 Report on the State of the Digital Decade highlights the urgent need for action to meet connectivity targets in time.

In response, policymakers have intensified efforts to facilitate the rapid deployment of connectivity infrastructure. Notably, the Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA), agreed upon by EU lawmakers in February 2024, aims to streamline administrative processes to expedite infrastructure deployment.

Additionally, the EU Commission’s White Paper, released in the same month, outlines a comprehensive vision for the future framework of European telecommunications. This includes addressing challenges and opportunities within Europe’s connectivity ecosystem, involving telecom operators, vendors, customers, and developers. However, supporting this diverse ecosystem requires a significant increase in investment levels, necessitating reforms in EU rules and policies.

In this panel discussion, representatives from various stakeholder groups will convene to delve into the current challenges facing the European digital ecosystem. We will explore potential measures to accelerate the build-out of resilient, inclusive, and responsible digital infrastructure, paving the way for a digitally empowered Europe.

Watch Session 3 On-Demand

  • Constantinos Balictsis, Greek National Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Postal Services (EETT) | Member, IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) Working Group on ICT | Founder, IEEE EPPC Sub-Group on Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA)
  • Paolo Grassia, Senior Director of Public Policy, ETNO
  • Peter Koch, Policy Advisor, DENIC
  • Miguel González-Sancho, Head of Unit – Future Connectivity Systems, European Commission
  • Karen Mulberry, Senior Manager, IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA)

Workshop 4: Challenges and Opportunities: Emerging Technologies and Sustainability Impacts

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 | 12:15-13:15 EEST
WS Room 1 and Online

Today’s digital transformation continues to have a profound and transformative effect on networks, products, and services, offering great opportunities and posing significant challenges. The current phase of the transformation is fueled by a confluence of technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, virtual reality, and other immersive technologies.

This session will explore the impact of emerging technology, its environmental impact and the EU Green Digital transformation across many sectors and policy domains demonstrating the role of digital and other emerging technologies in offering new opportunities to address pressing sustainability issues, as well as the need to establish safeguards for privacy, security, and safety.

Watch Session 4 On-Demand

  • Martina Barbero, Policy Officer, Next Generation Internet, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT), European Commission
  • Sigmund Kluckner, Chair, IEEE P7801 (SSIT-SC)
  • Mario Birkholz, Scientist, Technology / High-Performance Si-Technologies, IHP
  • Karen Mulberry, Senior Manager, IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA)
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