How Organizational Membership Diversity Fuels Innovation

Explore the Benefits of IEEE SA Membership for Your Organization and Join Us in Raising the World’s Standards


The global business landscape is constantly evolving. Digital transformation compounded by  challenges of globalization, supply chain stability, demographic shifts, and climate change are significantly impacting industries and markets, all of which place pressure on companies, governments, and society to more rapidly innovate and safely deploy sustainable technologies.

As digital transformation continues, the pervasive growth of technology increasingly intersects industry, government and societal interests. Companies and organizations need access to technologies that can enhance efficiencies, productivity, and competitive advantage. Governments seek influence over emerging technologies to preserve economic interests, advance global trade, and protect their citizens. Civil society and consumers are demanding transparency with greater insight into development motives, practices, and processes. For these reasons and more, new types of stakeholders are seeking a voice in standardization.

With Diversity Comes Growth and New Perspectives

This need is also evidenced in recent membership growth. IEEE SA organizational membership, or Entity Membership, has increased by more than 150% in 6 years with academic institutions, government units, and other types of organizations now accounting for over 30% of the member base. This growth is complemented by trending improvement in membership retention. 

Continued evolution of the membership program that includes diverse, multidisciplinary participation from companies of all sizes, academic institutions, government agencies, and others speeds the ability to address changing and diverse market needs..   

This evolution, coupled with the introduction of new industry engagement programs provides members access to the full IEEE SA ecosystem of programs and services ranging from incubation, standards development, and conformity assessment activities to new open source and industry alliance offerings designed to speed innovation and adoption. 

Moreover, enhanced training courses and marketing tools have been created to support working groups at every stage of the standards development process. Furthermore, IEEE SA Entity Membership offers amplified influence in standards projects and governance including unlimited balloting privileges eligibility for leadership positions and extensive networking opportunities.

New Spaces

Diverse growth is also evidenced in the broad array of standards projects originating from emerging technology areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) including Machine Learning, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies, Quantum Computing,  Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, Smart Factories, Online Gaming, and more. Recently,  

IEEE SA has noted more concentrated participation from healthcare, automotive, and financial services industry sectors. 

IEEE SA has broadened its reach and welcomes organizations of all kinds, small business, academia, and corporations because of the understanding that this will bring new and different perspectives to the process and to the outcomes by presenting greater challenges that need to be addressed at the forefront of the standards development process.

New Places

From a geographic standpoint, IEEE SA has always welcomed participation from all regions of the world, bringing globally diverse perspectives and contributions to the development cycle so innovation can be shared and realized by all stakeholders. In recent years, membership adoption has increased more so globally, further evidencing the need for globally recognized solutions.

Same Commitment

IEEE SA may have grown and evolved its programs to address current market needs, but its purpose does not change. IEEE SA is an organization focused on empowering innovators to raise the world’s standards for the benefit of humanity. Those innovators may be individuals or organizations looking to make a difference, but the difference can be made when we work together. Learn about how your organization can play a key role in advancing technology for humanity. 

Learn about the benefits of IEEE SA membership for your organization and join us in raising the world’s standards.

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