Synchronized phasor (synchrophasor) measurements for power systems are presented. This standard defines synchrophasors, frequency, and rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) measurement under all operating conditions. It specifies methods for evaluating these measurements and requirements for compliance with the standard under both steady-state and dynamic conditions. Time tag and synchronization requirements are included. Performance requirements are confirmed with a reference model, provided in detail. This document defines a phasor measurement unit (PMU), which can be a stand-alone physical unit or a functional unit within another physical unit. This standard does not specify hardware, software, or a method for computing phasors, frequency, or ROCOF.
- Sponsor Committee
- PE/PSRCC - Power System Relaying and Control
Learn More About PE/PSRCC - Power System Relaying and Control - Status
- Superseded Standard
- PAR Approval
- 2010-06-17
- Superseded by
- 60255-118-1-2018
- Superseding
- C37.118-2005
- Amendment
- Board Approval
- 2011-12-07
- History
- Published:
- 2011-12-28
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Power and Energy Society
Learn More About IEEE Power and Energy Society - Sponsor Committee
- PE/PSRCC - Power System Relaying and Control
Learn More About PE/PSRCC - Power System Relaying and Control - Working Group
C37.118.1_WG - Synchrophasor Measurements for Power Systems
- IEEE Program Manager
- Malia Zaman
Contact Malia Zaman - Working Group Chair
- Kenneth Martin
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Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.
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Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.
IEEE/IEC International Standard - Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 118-1: Synchrophasor for power systems - Measurements
This part of IEC 60255 is for synchronized phasor measurement systems in power systems. It defines a synchronized phasor (synchrophasor), frequency, and rate of change of frequency measurements. It describes time tag and synchronization requirements for measurement of all three of these quantities. It specifies methods for evaluating these measurements and requirements for compliance with the standard under both static and dynamic conditions. It defines a phasor measurement unit (PMU), which can be a stand-alone physical unit or a functional unit within another physical unit. This document does not specify hardware, software or a method for computing phasors, frequency, or rate of change of frequency.
These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.
IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor Measurements for Power Systems -- Amendment 1: Modification of Selected Performance Requirements
Modifications in this amendment include some performance requirements with related text updates to correct inconsistencies and remove limitations introduced by IEEE Std C37.118.1(TM)-2011. It was discovered that a few requirements were not achievable with the published models as was intended and others were extremely difficult to meet with available hardware. This amendment modifies requirements in Table 4 through Table 10. Text was modified to support the requirement modification. Testing described in 5.5.9 was clarified, and Table 11 (formerly Table 12) was modified to match. Annex C was modified to keep it consistent with the rest of the document.
These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.
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These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.
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