Precision Time Protocol — Power Profile

This program provides the power industry with a means of confidently implementing the IEEE 1588™-2008 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) in the electrical grid.

The IEEE 1588™-2008 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is capable of establishing a common time reference and synchronization across a system for realizing the applications that will ensure the reliability and resiliency of the grid of the future. The IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) in collaboration with industry stakeholders, have come together to develop a certification program that allows vendors to demonstrate that clocks meet the requirements of the PTP standard and its associated power profile specific parameters; IEEE C37.238-2017 and IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 2016.

The IEEE 1588 Power Profile Conformance Test Suite Specification (TSS) was developed specifically for demonstrating conformance with the PTP Power Profile standards. The TSS is freely available for download.

Certified products will be listed on the ICAP Product Registry and be eligible for use of the IEEE 1588 Power Profile Certification Mark.

* Note: Products submitted for certification must supply a test report from an ICAP Accredited Test Lab

ICAP Certification flow chart. Manufacturer contacts IEEE Recognized Test Lab -> Manufacturer submits signed IEEE Certification Agreement and Fee -> Testing takes place at a lab -> Test lab informs manufacturer of test progress and results -> Test lab sends report and statement of conformity to IEEE -> IEEE sends conformance certificate to manufacturer -> Manufacturer markets their IEEE Certified Device with the IEEE Certified mark.

Pricing Information

  1. Pricing is per applicant company, per product.
  2. ICAP Certification Fees are (i) subject to change without notice, (ii) non-refundable and (iii) payable in U.S. dollars.
  3. The ICAP Certification Fees do NOT include fees charged for conformance testing by the Authorized Test Laboratory.
  4. The ICAP Certification Fee is payable directly to IEEE.
Fees Type Fee (USD)
Single Cert $2,500.00
Certification by Similarity: only document – no retesting required $1,250.00
Certification by Similarity: requires retesting $2,500.00
Bulk Options: Certification by similarity (10 per year)
(Case 1 see appendix 3)
Includes 10% discount
Bulk Options: Certification by similarity (10 per year)
(Case 2 see appendix 3)
Includes 10% discount

The Precision Time Protocol – Telecommunications Certification Program

ICAP has also provided a certification program for PTP – Telecommunications to assess the conformance of IEEE 1588™-2008 implementations over telecommunications, smart grid, Internet television and digital audio and video broadcasting. The certification program pertained to telecommunications environments, using the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Telecom Profile for frequency synchronization, defined in the Recommendation ITU-T G.8265.1. This program is no longer active.

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