IEEE Global Standardized Registry for Medical Mobile Health Apps Program

The IEEE SA is assembling an international, multi-disciplinary expert advisor committee for the development of a global standardized mobile app registry for apps intended for clinical care and therapeutic uses. The global standardized registry will serve as a directory of apps that have attested and been assessed for satisfying the established set of criteria required to attain an IEEE standard identifier for inclusion in the registry. The multi-point criteria will be developed and built with consensus by a diverse group of expert committee members. An IEEE standardized registry identifiers indicates to all stakeholders that the app developer has attested to consensus-developed criteria and has been assigned a standardized identifier.

This program is designed to support and act as a resource many stakeholders in the domain including but not limited to:

  • Patients and Patient advocates
  • Clinicians/Clinical Support Teams
  • Healthcare administrators
  • Healthcare payers
  • Government regulators (global)
  • Academic/Clinical Researchers
  • Mobile Application Developers
  • Existing health assessment and rating agencies
  • Medical/Clinical Association Professionals
  • Non-Governmental Policy/Public Health Organizations

Program Executive Committee

Chair: Dr. Yuri Quintana

Vice Chair: Gora Datta

Vice Chair/Secretary: Bruce Hecht

Staff Lead: Maria Palombini

Express Your Interest

If you are interested in participating in this program, please complete the form.

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