Technology Standards for the Aging (AgeTech)

About the Activity

AgeTech refers to technology designed to meet the needs of older adults, aiming to enhance their quality of life, independence, and overall well-being. This field encompasses a wide range of products and services, including health and wellness monitoring, tools that aid in daily living, smart home solutions, social connectivity, cognitive support, transportation, home care robotics, and financial management, among others. AgeTech requires thoughtful design to account for changes in human performance, such as perception, strength, mobility, mental acuity, etc., associated with aging. AgeTech products and services also need to be interoperable. Such design can be supported by standards. Standards for AgeTech differ from accessibility design standards for disability, such as in the U.S. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), in that standards for AgeTech address aspects related to aging that fall short of disabilities.

Goals of the Activity

The goal of this IC activity is to develop proposals for IEEE Standards to address aspects such as terminology, human factors, usability, metrics, test methods, and interoperability for AgeTech products and services. This activity may also study the desirability/feasibility of creating an IEEE certification program for such standards. The development of any standards proposed by this activity would be initiated through existing IEEE standards committees using established SA policies and procedures. This activity may also identify or develop proposals for publicly available IEEE datasets to support AgeTech products and services development or research.

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

Individuals affiliated with non-profit organizations concerned with AgeTech, such as AARP, Aging Research Center in Sweden, Japan’s Center for Smart Aging Research, AAL Programme-EU, etc.; faculty at universities doing relevant research; individuals affiliated with companies that develop AgeTech products and services; and individuals affiliated with government agencies such as the U.S. Health and Human Services and similar agencies in other regions.

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join, please express your interest by completing the Technology Standards for the Aging (AgeTech) interest form.

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