Sustainable Infrastructures and Community Development Program

About the Activity

The Sustainable Infrastructures and Community Development program is an IEEE-wide effort, operating via the SA Industry Connections platform. Its goal is to support the creation of a global and active IEEE sustainability community, defining specific action plans and deliverables, with initial primary focus on ICT and energy topics, and gradually building into additional areas based on participant recommendations. The program is also intended to foster development of an IEEE council, community, or other construct that will be most beneficial in the long run for vibrant IEEE engagement in sustainable development-related issues.

Goals of the Activity

  • IEEE Planet Positive 2030
    • An open and multidisciplinary community of global experts charting a path for all people to achieve a flourishing future for 2030 and beyond. The work brings together the expertise and perspectives of technologists, economists, sociologists, educators, policy-makers and others to identify sustainable and practical technology solutions. Currently, there are two outputs in development.
      • Strong Sustainability by Design: A compendium that identifies specific issues and topics, along with practical recommendations for addressing them.
      • Impact Accountability & Assessment tool: A resource for business leaders and policy-makers to help them in evaluating solutions.
    • New standards proposals based on needs identified (e.g. hydrogen related topics, carbon credits).
    • Associated educational modules (workforce and general education).
  • Sustainable Practices
    • Documents and standards proposals providing specific guidance on Sustainable Best Practices oriented towards engineers / academics.
  • Corporate Sustainability practices and support
    • Survey to gather input on corporate practices and opportunities for IEEE to provide guidance, education, etc.
  • Digital Technical Knowledge and Solutions Commons platform

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

We welcome new participants from large and small corporations, academia, industry, government agencies, and any individuals that are interested in the Sustainable Infrastructures & Community Development Program. Members will include, but are not limited to:

  • Industry practitioners in sustainable development, ICT, and renewable energy topics
  • Academic experts in sustainable ICT and energy technologies and issues
  • Energy, communications, and transportation system operators
  • Government bodies involved with sustainability and infrastructure modernization

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join The Sustainable Infrastructures and Community Development program, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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