Meta Issues in Cybersecurity

About the Activity

Cybersecurity touches every facet of our digital lives, even more given the enormous increase in remote working, learning, and social engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase that is not expected to disappear. The focus of this Industry Connections activity will be to work with practitioners in the field to identify necessary and implementable approaches with respect to existing and emerging technologies; and to better enable current and future professionals in increasing their likelihood of success across all applicable fields.

The first stage will be to focus on the development of a committed and diverse community of experts with practical experience in the field who are looking for a platform for addressing current limitations in cybersecurity approaches.

Goals of the Activity

The outcomes will be useful to practitioners, policymakers, and the general public in contributing to making cyberspace safe and trusted, and in addressing cyber-physical security threats.

Proposed deliverables and outcomes from this Industry Connections activity may include documents (e.g., white papers, reports), proposals for standards, conferences and workshops, databases, computer code, etc.

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

We welcome new participants from large and small corporations, academia, industry, and government agencies that are interested in Meta Issues in Cybersecurity. Members will include but are not limited to:

  • Leaders in the field
  • Leaders in current and past IEEE cybersecurity initiatives
  • Standards experts familiar with NIST Maturity Model and other approaches, interested in providing a future-facing approach
  • Academics familiar with the limitations of current approaches
  • Representatives of companies interested in addressing current gaps in security standards approaches, e.g., Thales (interested in a trust-based approach), companies focused on the under-developed machine-to-machine security field
  • Government representatives interested in addressing the information technology—operational technology culture gap for resilience of critical infrastructure
  • Defense cybersecurity specialists interested in overcoming the traditional misunderstanding of cybersecurity within the Defense community
  • Specialists in the psychology of consumer cybercrime familiar with limitations of current cybersecurity training approaches

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the Meta Issues in Cybersecurity activity, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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