New Ethernet Applications

About the Activity

The growing diversity of applications for Ethernet requires new standards to be developed at a rapid pace. This is evident by recent standardization activities related to 2.5 Gb/s, 5Gb/s and 25 Gb/s Ethernet, as well as subsequent conversations related on introducing new Ethernet solutions at these rates.

Goals of the Activity

  • Assess emerging requirements for the development of Ethernet standards
  • Identify gaps not currently addressed by IEEE 802.3™ standards
  • Facilitate building industry consensus towards proposals to initiate new standards development efforts

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

We invite stakeholders to share their expertise in this Industry Connections (IC) Program and welcome all individuals and representatives of organizations, such as

  • Users and producers of systems and components for servers and components for servers
  • Users and producers of network storage, networking systems, and data centers
  • Technologists in high performance computing
  • Telecommunications carriers
  • Individuals with automotive applications expertise
  • Industrial applications technologists

Initiative Outcomes

There are numerous market applications which are exhibiting a growing diversity in terms of the Ethernet rates and features needed. Solutions spanning these different application spaces and rates will be best addressed by leveraging common technology investments. This activity will enable industry consensus building and outcomes that may include:

  • Increased industry interest and new Ethernet study groups
    • Deliverables that include records meetings minutes, supporting documentation and presentations
  • The creation of one or more consensus presentations
    • Used as the basis for one or more Call-for-Interests to study new areas
  • The creation, as appropriate, of white papers documenting the findings of this IC activity

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the New Ethernet Applications activity, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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