Closed Activities

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Here is a comprehensive list of our closed IC activities, which are no longer active. Click on any activity to explore its outputs and publications and discover the accomplishments achieved during their course.


Unmanned Aerial Systems Forum (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to analyze the ecosystem of Unmanned Aerial Systems with the emphasis on India.


IEEE Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Standards Tracking and Standards Development-Related Research Needs (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to identify IEEE standards and standards development activities that are relevant to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).


AI Impact Use Cases Initiative (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to create a database of AI use cases across key sectors, categorized according to the proposed European Commission risk categories.


Big Data Governance Focus Group (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to provide clarity on what constitutes data governance and where this definition is applicable, e.g., IoT, AI, privacy, etc.


Fiber Attach Technology (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to analyze available fiber attach designs and develop a guide to their use for engineers, scientists, and designers.


Needs Assessment for Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Standards (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to assess the education and standards needs around Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT).


User-Centered Approach to Designing a User Interface for Rural Communities (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to develop a model for the design and implementation of user interfaces for rural communities.


Mobile Health Applications Standards & Laboratory Services (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to establish a certification and associated conformity assessment process for mobile health apps and creating a global mobile health application registry.


Micro-Mechanical-Universal-Switches (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to build a cross-industry coalition of partners to jointly define a family of standards that will help to facilitate the deployment of micro-mechanical universal switches across numerous end markets.


Cybersecurity in Agile Cloud Computing (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to raise awareness of cloud remote access security risks via workshops and conferences.


2030.5 Ecosystem Steering Committee (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to work to promote the IEEE 2030.5 standard and ease the integration of distributed energy resources (DER), including responsive generation, storage, and load into the electric grid.


Responsible Innovation of AI and the Life Sciences (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to address biosecurity and safety of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous intelligent systems (AIS) in human health and human biology.


Alliance for Best Practices and Standards in Smart Cities (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to bring together technologists, academia, smart city leaders and other stakeholders to help improve the adoption of standards by cities.


Trustworthy Technical Implementations of Children’s Online/Offline Experiences (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to create an ecosystem that lowered the barriers to engagement and enables a collaborative community that builds, develops and continually iterates best practices for products and services intended for children.


IEEE SA Industry Rapid Activator Program (IRAP) (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to showcase/demonstrate recently published, or soon to be published, IEEE standards at related industry events to accelerate the commercial implementation and/or adoption of those standards.


Disaster Recovery for Blockchain Nodes and Enterprise Workloads (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to develop disaster recovery strategies for distributed financial applications.


The Earth Lab (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to develop a Green Guide to Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) that will serve as a pragmatic roadmap for engineers, corporations and policy makers to leverage AIS innovation for an effective transition to a green economy.


Roadmap for the Development and Implementation of Standard Oriented Knowledge Graphs (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to provide the framework and general construction method to developers and users of standard-oriented knowledge graphs so that standard-oriented knowledge graphs can be integrated, implemented, and applied more simply and efficiently.


Labeling Cybersecurity Data for AI Automation (Single-and-Multi-Modal) (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to bring together industry stakeholders to engage in building consensus on priority issues for standardization activities, and provide a platform for IEEE thought leadership to industry.


The IEEE Trusted Data & Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Playbook for Finance Initiative

This goal of this activity was to develop an industry-specific implementation guide (playbook) that encourages technologists in the financial services to prioritize human well-being and ethical considerations in the application of data in Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS).


The IEEE Applied AIS Risk and Impact Framework Initiative (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to develop an applied risk framework or assessment for artificial intelligence systems (AIS).


Global Initiative on Digital Transformation of Pandemic Surveillance (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to investigate digital technologies such as blockchain to improve the efficiency and transparency of pandemic surveillance.


Assessment of Standardization Gaps for Safe Automated Driving (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to assess existing automated driving standards to identify gaps and propose new standards for safe automated driving.


AI-Driven Innovation for Cities and People (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to develop blueprints to deploy beneficial and responsible artificial intelligence (AI) systems that are used for the public good.


Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Testbed Development for Dynamic Road Traffic Management and Control at Electronic City — Bangalore INDIA (PDF)

This goal of this activity was to develop a test bed for traffic management and control applications for Electronic City (Bangalore, India).


Pre-Standardization Activities on Industrial AI (PDF)

This activity aimed to identify overlaps and gaps in standards governing industrial artificial intelligence (AI) applications and consumer AI applications.

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Arc Flash Calculator (PDF)

This activity aimed to establish a volunteer peer review team to assess the complimentary arc flash calculator.


Pre-standardization Studies for Indian Language Resources (PDF)

This activity aimed to identify use cases for standards to govern language resources for Indian languages.


Data Trading System Initiative (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to propose that the sharing of data should shift from a centralized system to an autonomous distributed sharing model, called the data trading environment.


Public Knowledge Graphs (PDF)

This activity aimed to identify and support the creation of open, federated graphs of knowledge, using available protocols for storage and mirroring, alignment of different graphs, clustering and disambiguation, annotation, tracing and adding provenance.


Transforming for Digital Medicine (PDF)

MyData Health sought to create a participatory design process for creation of whitepapers on the topic of creating a fair health data economy.


Social Impact Measurement Framework (PDF)

This activity focused on investors being increasingly interested in making investments that can have both a social and a financial impact.


Global Initiative to Standardize Fairness in the Trade of Data (PDF)

This activity aimed to draft and propose a standards framework that could assist consumers, communities, corporations and countries to operate in a new agreement around the fair trade of human and personal data.


Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS) (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to provide the world’s first (based on our research) specification and body of its kind to enable a badge or mark for A/IS products, services and systems.


2030.5 Ecosystem Steering Committee (PDF)

This activity aimed to engage the ecosystem of organizations interested in promoting the IEEE 2030.5 standard.


IP Security (PDF)

This activity was a forum for Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and Research Libraries to coordinate their efforts in securing IP from piracy (e.g. SCIHUB).


Facilities Joint Use (PDF)

The Joint Use group was a forum for Electric Power Utilities, Telecomm and Cable Companies, Regulators, etc. to coordinate and develop consistent approaches/methodologies/rules for joint use of facilities.


Blockchain Asset Exchange (PDF)

This activity aimed to design and develop a decentralized trading platform where entities and individuals could collaborate on creating, transferring, and capitalizing intellectual properties.


Industry Consortium on Learning Engineering (ICICLE) (PDF)

This activity aimed to offer guidance concerning the capabilities and limitations of the underlying technologies; how to use them to accomplish instructional goals; and how to evaluate the effectiveness of both the technologies and the various pedagogical innovations they allow.

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Optical Networks 2020 (PDF)

Optical Networks 2020 (ON2020) was a global collaborative that drove innovative optical network solutions to better meet the optical networking demands in the cloud era towards year 2020 and beyond.


Digital Intelligence (DQ) (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to put in place tools that will help ensure that digital literacy receives the attention and investment it deserves in the context both of domestic and overseas development policies.


11073 PHD Cybersecurity (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to build common ground about cybersecurity in the Personal Health Device community and create an “information security toolbox” appropriate for the IEEE 11073 PHD family of standards.


Supply Chain & Trials Standardized Technology and Implementation (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to address the issue of security and authenticity of the food and drug supply through interoperability of data systems.


Connectivity Harmonization of the Digital Citizen (PDF)

This activity proposed a multi-stream effort to address the design implications and technology implementations with a unique, core focus on the development of the immersive environment that will impact all present and future Digital Citizens.


Automotive Emerging Technology Initiative (PDF)

This activity aimed to provide a platform that brings together the global technical community working across these automotive industry topics in a collaborative environment to share knowledge, discuss issues and identify standards related solutions to drive innovation and accelerate emerging technology adoption.


PLC-IoT Interoperability and Compliance Testing (PDF)

This activity focused on selection of the labs for the testing, analysis and publication of the results, identification of the ambiguities and gaps in the IEEE 1901.1 standard and related test procedures.


Big Data Governance and Metadata Management (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to guide how big data and big data exchange is governed.


Electric Vehicle In-Motion Wireless Power Transfer (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to create a whitepaper on how in-motion wireless charging could be used in a smart city context.


India Robotics Roadmap (PDF)

This activity focused on India are to better understand and identify what existing Robotics and Automation solutions exist across public and private sectors.


International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS) (PDF)

This activity will focus on an International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (“IRDS”) via establishment of an interest group closely aligned with the new electronics industry ecosystem.


Consumer Healthcare Alliance (PDF)

This activity convened a community of global industry and academic leaders dedicated to improving consumers’ health with innovations in healthcare electronics.


Augmented Reality in the Oil/Gas/Electric Industry (PDF)

This activity convened stakeholders to identify requirements, standards needs and other issues, to help enable augmented reality solutions, as well as potentially mixed and virtual reality solutions, that can benefit the oil, gas and electric industries.


Internet of Things Interest Group (PDF)

This activity helped drive consensus development, engage industry and other relevant constituencies.


Open Data (PDF)

This activity convened stakeholders to assess existing Open Data initiatives and proposed new standards for making data “open.”


Smart City Compliance Indicators (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to define the factors that determine the “smartness” of a city.


Smart Glasses Roadmap (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to analyze the markets, use cases and technology considerations that must be addressed to accelerate enhanced reality technology readiness and adoption.


Fiber Optics Sensors (PDF)

This activity convened companies that manufacture fiber optic sensing systems or components for fiber optic sensing systems to identify gaps in standards related to fiber optic sensors and develop a plan to address these gaps.


Surgical Robotics (PDF)

This activity brought together academia and industry to build consensus and identify potential opportunities for standardization in the rapidly-growing field of medical robotics and computer-assisted medical technologies.


Green Power Generation (PDF)

This activity brought together enterprises and research institutions to overcome major issues and discuss potential technical standards relating to cleaner fossil fuel and especially coal-fired power generation in China and beyond.


Augmented Reality Directions and Standards (PDF)

This activity explored the full range of artistic, social and educational possibilities for augmented reality in smart mobile devices, including wearables.


Next Generation Ethernet Passive Optical Network (NG-EPON) (PDF)

This activity explored the market potential, desired features and technology options for a next generation EPON operating at data rates beyond 10 Gb/s.


Indian Low Voltage DC Forum (PDF)

This activity focused on utilizing a working DC microgrid, DC commercial building, and DC powered homes to investigate the issues and develop empirical data on the potential benefits of solar DC generation and usage in India, including parts of India not currently connected to the power grid.


Cloud Computing Innovation Council for India (PDF)

This activity convened a council of experts from across industry, academia and government agencies, serving as a think tank for driving technological innovations across the Cloud Computing ecosystem in India.


DC in the Home (PDF)

This activity explored the issues and work to be done to ensure DC electricity can be safely and conveniently accessed in the home.


Convergence of Smart Home and Building Architectures (PDF)

This activity focused on the pre-standardization efforts relating to the convergence of smart home and building communication network architectures.


Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer (PDF)

This activity focused on the pre-standardization efforts for Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer, with a particular focus on dynamic wireless charging.


IEEE SA Symposium on EDA Interoperability (PDF)

This activity aimed to organize an annual symposium to help members of the electronics/semiconductor design and verification community better understand the landscape of Electronic Design Automation.


Systems & Components for Energy Routers (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to promote new, solid-state energy routing technology to replace existing distribution-type transformers with more intelligent bi-directional power systems.


Actionable Data Book for Education (PDF)

This activity aimed to create and demonstrate prototypes for new methods of activity-based mobile learning via an open-standard e-book format with new forms of interactive learning technology and functionality.


Smart Energy Data Repository (PDF)

This activity aimed to create a global resource for smart energy/smart grid research data to enable open and collaborative research throughout industry, academia and regulatory bodies.


Higher Speed Ethernet Consensus (PDF)

This activity focused on building consensus related to the next speed of Ethernet for wireline applications.


IEEE Intercloud Testbed (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to bring industry and research institutions together to gain real-world experience in cloud-to-cloud interoperability with the IEEE Intercloud Testbed.


Power Matters Alliance (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to lead and organize the Power 2.0 ecosystem.


Standardization and Innovation in IT (SIIT) Conference (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to organize the IEEE SIIT Conference to promote and educate on the role standardization can play in helping technologies advance and reach market faster.


IEEE 802.11 Patent Pool Exploratory Forum (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to promote the IEEE 802.11 standard by promoting the availability of licenses essential to the IEEE standard on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.


Future Directions for Nanonetworking (PDF)

This activity considered two important aspects of future directions in nanonetworking: emerging trends and important open problems, and industrial applications and potential industrial partners.


Ethernet Wireline Bandwidth Needs (PDF)

The goal of this activity was focused on gathering information that will enable an evaluation of the bandwidth needs for Ethernet wireline applications, including, but not limited to, core networking and computing.


Industry Connections Security Group (ICSG) (PDF)

The goal of this activity was to convene computer security experts from around the globe to work together to combat malware and other computer security threats.

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