Supply Chain and Asset Traceability for Electric Grid (SCATE)

About the Activity

The motivation for this IC activity is to create a framework for supply chain and asset traceability standards for the electric grid. The end result will be manufacturers applying Smart Tags (barcodes, QR codes, RFID) to assets that link to a Digital Thread dataset of all important information from manufacturing through decommissioning.

  • Grid operators have aggressive capital investment programs to harden existing assets, expand networks, and prepare for the clean energy transition. To support this expansion and transition, the industry would benefit from standards and technology that ensures that high fidelity data on new assets is captured and made available for future use.
  • Smart tags applied to assets by manufacturers provide a mechanism for end-users to easily retrieve asset attribute data.
  • An asset’s Digital Thread ensures that the asset’s entire dataset is seamlessly transferred from one phase to the next from manufacturing through decommissioning.
  • Grid operators have identified asset traceability as a barrier to efficient asset sharing during emergencies and mutual aid because they cannot verify the asset’s attributes and system compatibility.
  • Manufacturers are starting to apply barcodes to their products, but there are no industry standards to guide the structure and content of the data contained in the barcodes.
  • The Department of Energy (DOE) has identified supply chain security and resiliency as a top priority including verification of country of origin for electric grid assets.
  • Utilities are increasingly making commitments to environmental and social goals that include their supply chains.

Further, motivation is provided by success stories in other industries such as pharmaceuticals and food that have implemented barcode-based traceability solutions that have led to automated data exchange throughout the supply chain.

The purpose of this IC activity is to explore the development of industry standards for supply chain and asset traceability for critical electric grid assets, equipment, and materials. Potential tasks to be completed within this activity include:

  • Defining critical assets that require supply chain and asset traceability
  • Defining use cases and the value proposition of supply chain and asset traceability
  • Conducting a proof of concept with manufacturers to test and validate the feasibility and value proposition of barcodes that link to asset traceability data

Goals of the Activity

  • White paper that defines the value proposition, use cases, and potential barriers to the development and implementation of industry standards for supply chain and asset traceability
  • Report that summarizes the results of a proof-of-concept project
  • Proposal for standards

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

  • Electric grid equipment and materials manufacturers
  • Electric grid operators and utilities
  • Engineering service providers
  • Department of Energy

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the Supply Chain and Asset Traceability for Electric Grid (SCATE) activity, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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