6G Technology for Connectivity & Telecom Systems

About the Activity

6G, as the name suggests, is the sixth generation of mobile connectivity. It’s still unclear what final form 6G will take until it is standardized. But it isn’t too early to speculate which technologies will be included and which characteristics they will have. The high-level vision for 6G is to deepen the connection and integration between the digital, physical, and human worlds.

6G will benefit from the backend changes made to mobile networks to power 5G. Technology trends seen with 5G, like virtualized networks, are setting the stage already by enabling things like specialized deployments. Operators have densified radio networks with more antennas. Now, it’s easier to get a signal, especially indoors, while cloud technologies and edge computing mean data can be processed closer to users—even at scale—so latency is much lower.

6G will also be more efficient than its predecessor and consume less power. Energy efficiency is critical for a more sustainable mobile industry because of the anticipated growth in data generation.

Faster speeds, greater capacity, and lower latency will:

  • Free applications from the constraints of local processing power.
  • Connect more devices to the network.
  • Blur the lines between the physical, human, and digital worlds.

Essentially, 6G will build on this foundation and introduce new capabilities far beyond the limits of 5G.

6G will use more advanced radio equipment and a greater volume and diversity of airwaves than 5G. This includes the use of an extremely high frequency (EHF) spectrum that delivers ultra-high speeds and huge capacity over short distances.

Goals of the Activity

  • Develop a framework that is open, flexible, scalable, and adaptable.
  • Initiate new activities, projects, and programs as the outcome of the program.
  • Extend the reach and depth of future-generation applications and services across several industries.
  • Develop practices/guidelines that will help solution deployment across different interfaces, vendors, and frameworks.
  • Lead to better cyber security and privacy for protecting the person/human data.
  • Yield ideas for standard proposals.
  • Demonstrate proof-of-concept through interoperability.
  • Collaborate with other SDOs.

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

Participants in this activity may include but are not limited to stakeholders in the following industries: Service Providers, Semiconductor Manufacturers, OEMs, ODMS Telcos, Technology Providers, Academia

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the 6G Technology for Connectivity & Telecom Systems activity, please express your interest by completing the interest form or sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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