3D Body Processing (3DBP)

About the Activity

The motivations and goals of this program are to bring together diverse stakeholders from across technology, retail, research and standards development to build thought leadership around 3D body processing technology standards in areas such as 3D capture, processing, storage, sharing and (augmented) representation.

Goals of the Activity

Exploration of this activity may include:

  • Identify and classify types of 3D body processing technologies
  • Identify and classify use cases of 3D body processing
  • Identify gaps in existing nascent standards and recommended practices as 3D body processing spreads beyond first adopters
  • Identify need and propose PARs for new standards and best practices for 3D body processing and adjacent technologies (like 2D augmented reality)
  • Identify guides & recommendations for consuming or using body measurements, to better understand the benefits and limitations of this type of data

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

Various stakeholders should consider involvement, including consumers in sectors such as fashion, retail, health/wellness, athletics, and more, alongside suppliers across different layers of the user-facing/product offering, platform, application software, operating system, application processor, and others, reflecting the broad potential markets.

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the 3D Body Processing activity, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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