The 2012 NESC(R) Handbook, Seventh Edition, edited by Allen Clapp, is an essential companion to the Code. It gives users insight into what lies behind the NESC's rules and how to apply them. The Handbook was developed for use at many levels in the electric and communication industries, including those involved in system design, construction, maintenance, inspection, standards development and worker training. The Handbook also discusses how the NESC Committee has interpreted the rules in the Code and responded to change proposals during the past 90 years. This allows users to understand how questions they may have were dealt with in the past. The Seventh Edition includes provisions for loading on warm island utility installations located between 25 degrees North and 25 degrees South latitudes and revised minimum approach distance requirements based upon recent research.
- Status
- Superseded Standard
- History
- Published:
- 2011-08-01
Working Group Details
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