Active Standard

IEEE/ANSI N42.50-2022

American National Standard Performance Specifications for Instrumentation Systems Designed for Measuring Radon Progeny in Air

Minimum performance requirements and performance testing requirements are specified in this standard for instruments designed to measure radon progeny in air. Inasmuch as the health effects of exposure to radon progeny, and hence regulatory control, are quantified relative to the ultimate dose delivered by the complete decay of all the radon progeny in the monitored air, the principle measurand of interest is therefore the potential alpha energy concentration, expressed in units of either working level (WL) or joules m-3 given that primary measurements characterize activity. The needs of users, manufacturers, and regulators concerned with radon progeny measurements are addressed in this standard.

Sponsor Committee
N42 -
Active Standard
ANSI Approved:

Working Group Details

National Committee on Radiation Instrumentation
Sponsor Committee
N42 -

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