Superseded Standard

IEEE/ANSI N323-1978

American National Standard Radiation Protection Instrumentation Test and Calibration

Calibration methods for portable (hand-carried) radiation protection instruments used for detection and measurement of levels of ionizing radiation fields or levels of radioactive surface contamination are established. Included are conditions, equipment, and techniques for calibration as well as the degree of precision and accuracy required. Alpha, beta, photon, and neutron radiation is considered. Passive integrating dosimetric devices such as film, thermoluminescent, and chemical dosimeters are not covered, although the basic principles and intent may apply to them as well as to non-portable radiation detection instrumentation in general.

Standard Committee
AES/GA - Gyro Accelerometer Panel
Superseded Standard
ANSI Approved:

Working Group Details

IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
Standard Committee
AES/GA - Gyro Accelerometer Panel

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