This standard describes and recommends methods of measurement of the important characteristics of junction transistors in large-signal applications. Examples of this type of usage include power amplifiers, pulse amplifiers, sinusoidal oscillators, multivibrator-type switches, current switches, and regenerative pulse generators. Large-signal modes of operation involve excursions of the operating point over large ranges of the device characteristics. Often, the operating point may move from a low-current cut-off region through an essentially linear active region, to a high-current saturation region. The transistor can be considered as a switch, being OFF in the low-current cut-off region and ON in the high-current saturation region. Transistors generally fall into two categories. a) Devices whose common-base short-circuit forwardcurrent transfer ratio hf 5 is greater than unity, and b) Devices whose common-base short-circuit forwardcurrent transfer ratio hf b is less than unity. Point-contact and four-region transistors, for example, generally fit into the first category and three-region junction transistors into the latter. Methods of testing pointcontact transistors for large-signal applications have been described in existing standards.1 This standard considers the methods of test for three-region junction transistors of category b.
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