Certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics are set forth as well as certain safety features of three-phase, 60 Hz, liquid-immersed, self-cooled, pad-mounted, compartmental-type distribution transformers. These transformers are rated 10 MVA and smaller, with the high-voltage limit of 34.5 kV nominal system voltage and below, and with low-voltage limit of 15 kV nominal system voltage and below. This standard covers the connector, bushing, and terminal arrangements for radial or loop feed systems. This standard does not cover the electrical and mechanical requirements of any accessory devices that may be supplied with the transformer.
- Sponsor Committee
- PE/TR - Transformers
Learn More About PE/TR - Transformers - Status
- Superseded Standard
- PAR Approval
- 2011-03-31
- Superseded by
- C57.12.34-2022
- Superseding
- C57.12.34-2009
- Board Approval
- 2015-09-03
- History
- ANSI Approved:
- 2016-12-21
- Published:
- 2015-10-27
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Power and Energy Society
Learn More About IEEE Power and Energy Society - Sponsor Committee
- PE/TR - Transformers
Learn More About PE/TR - Transformers - Working Group
WGC57.12.34 - Distribution - Req for 3-F Pad Mount Working Group
- IEEE Program Manager
- Patrycja Jarosz
Contact Patrycja Jarosz - Working Group Chair
- Stephen Shull
Other Activities From This Working Group
Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.
Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers, 10 MVA and Smaller; High-Voltage, 34.5 kV Nominal System Voltage and Below; Low-Voltage, 15 kV Nominal System Voltage and Below
This standard covers certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics and takes into consideration certain safety features of three-phase, 60 Hz, liquid immersed, self-cooled, pad-mounted, compartmental-type distribution transformers. These transformers are rated 10 MVA and smaller, with the high-voltage limit of 34.5 kV system nominal voltage and below, and with low-voltage limit of 15 kV system nominal voltage and below. These transformers are generally used for step-down purposes from an underground primary cable supply. This standard covers the connector, bushing, and terminal arrangements for radial or loop-feed systems. Either certain minimum dimensions or certain specific dimensions are specified. This standard does not cover the electrical and mechanical requirements of any accessory devices that may be supplied with the transformer.
Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.
IEEE Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers, 10 MVA and Smaller; High-Voltage, 34.5 kV Nominal System Voltage and Below; Low-Voltage, 15 kV Nominal System Voltage and Below
Certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics are set forth, as well as certain safety features of three-phase, 60 Hz, liquid-immersed, self-cooled, pad-mounted, compartmental-type distribution transformers. These transformers are rated 10 MVA and smaller, with the high-voltage limit of 34.5 kV nominal system voltage and below, and with low-voltage limit of 15 kV nominal system voltage and below. This standard covers the connector, bushing, and terminal arrangements for radial or loop-feed systems. This standard does not cover the electrical and mechanical requirements of any accessory devices that may be supplied with the transformer.
These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.
Standard for Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers, 2500 kVA and Smaller: High-Voltage, 34 500GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 480 Volts and Below
Certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics are set forth as well as certain safety features of three-phase, 60 Hz., mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, pad-mounted, compartmental-type distribution transformers. These transformers are rated 2500 kVA and smaller, with high voltages of 34 500 GrdY / 19 920 volts and below, and with low voltages of 480 volts and below. This standard covers the connector, bushing and terminal arrangements for radial or loop feed systems. This standard does not cover the electrical and mechanical requirements of any accessory devices that may be supplied with the transformer.
IEEE Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers, 5 MVA and Smaller; High Voltage, 34.5 kV Nominal System Voltage and Below; Low Voltage, 15 kV Nominal System Voltage & Below
Certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics are set forth as well as certain safety features of three-phase, 60 Hz, mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, pad-mounted, compartmental-type distribution transformers. These transformers are rated 5 MVA and smaller, with the high-voltage limit of 34.5 kV system nominal voltage and below, and with low-voltage limit of 15 kV system nominal voltage and below. This standard covers the connector, bushing, and terminal arrangements for radial- or loop-feed systems. This standard does not cover the electrical and mechanical requirements of any accessory devices that may be supplied with the transformer.
These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.
No Inactive-Withdrawn Standards
These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.
No Inactive-Reserved Standards