Active PAR

IEEE P7012

IEEE Draft Standard for Machine Readable Personal Privacy Terms

This draft standard covers contractual interactions and agreements between individuals and the service providers they engage on a network, including websites. It describes how individuals, acting as first parties, can proffer their privacy requirements as contractual terms and arrive at agreements recorded and kept by both sides. These terms shall be chosen from a collection of standard-form agreements in a roster kept by an independent and neutral non-business entity. Computing devices and software performing as agents for both first and second parties shall engage using any protocol that serves the purpose. The first party shall point to a preferred agreement, or a set of agreements, from which the second party shall accept one. Party-to-party negotiations over terms in any of these contracts or other agreements are outside the scope of this standard. If both parties agree, the chosen contract or agreement shall be signed electronically by both parties or their agents, and a matching record shall be kept by both sides in a form that can be retrieved, audited, or disputed, if necessary, at some later time–and which is available to do so easily.

Sponsor Committee
SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee
Learn More About SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee
Active PAR
PAR Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
Learn More About IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
Sponsor Committee
SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee
Learn More About SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee
Working Group
MRPT_WG - Machine Readable Privacy Terms Working Group
IEEE Program Manager
Christy Bahn
Contact Christy Bahn
Working Group Chair
Doc Searls

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