This standard specifies the format of linkable, relocatable, and absolute object modules for binary computers of arbitrary word size and architecture. Two levels of compliance are specified, minimum and full. The minimum compliance level affords sufficient flexibility to link separately compiled modules, to relocate addresses in simple ways, and to load the resulting absolute object modules with a minimal loader. The full compliance level affords all of the functionality of the minimum level and adds to it arbitrary address expression handling, type checking capability, librarian control commands, and other useful functions for full generality. A conforming implementation may extend the command or function set of MUFOM for greater efficiency in dealing with machine-specific requirements, but object modules containing such extensions shall not be said to be conforming to this standard. Such extensions are not specified in this standard.
- Status
- Superseded Standard
- Superseded by
- 695-1990
- Board Approval
- 1985-03-21
- History
- Published:
- 1985-09-09
Working Group Details
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