Superseded Standard

IEEE 522-1977

IEEE Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn Insulation on Form-Wound Stator Coils for Alternating-Current Rotating Electric Machines - For Trail Use

Many alternating-current rotating electric machines are designed to have multiturn form wound stator coils. In these cases, the winding has two separate but interrelated insulating barriers: one (turn insulation) between the various turns and the second (ground insulation) between the turns and ground. Failure of either of these barriers will prematurely terminate the service life of the machine. A test level, twice rated voltage plus 1 kV, for the ground insulation has been in existence for many years. This guide suggests methods and test levels for the turn insulation.

Standard Committee
PE/EM - Electric Machinery
Superseded Standard
Superseded by
Board Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Power and Energy Society
Standard Committee
PE/EM - Electric Machinery

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