The standard helps procurement teams reduce risks in artificial intelligence systems (AIS) by using tailored risk management practices when purchasing AIS. Specific process steps for AIS problem definition, solicitation preparation, vendor and solution evaluation, contract negotiation, and contract monitoring are described. Risk management methodologies that augment customary activities and tasks performed during the procurement life cycle are provided including identifying, analyzing, evaluating, prioritizing, mitigating, and controlling unique AIS risks that can detract from unique AIS benefits. Practical AIS procurement tools and metrics and how procurement teams can use and apply them are also provided. The standard focuses explicitly on AIS risks (when compared to traditional, non-AIS technology) and is designed to address the purchase of commercial AI products and services procured using a formal contract or contract framework. NOTE–AI and ADS are referred to as artificial intelligence systems (AIS) for simplicity.
- Sponsor Committee
- SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee
Learn More About SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee - Status
- Active PAR
- PAR Approval
- 2021-09-23
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
Learn More About IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology - Sponsor Committee
- SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee
Learn More About SSIT/SC - Social Implications of Technology Standards Committee - Working Group
AIP-WG - Artificial Intelligence Procurement Working Group
- IEEE Program Manager
- Christy Bahn
Contact Christy Bahn - Working Group Chair
- Gisele Waters
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