Active PAR


Standard for Wireless Smart Utility Network Field Area Network

This standard describes a complete communications specification, encompassing layers 1 to 4 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network model, for a secure, wireless mesh communication network, using open communication and cybersecurity standards from standards organizations including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The standard describes the functionality of the physical (PHY), medium access control (MAC, the network, and transport layers as well as security parameters including the format of certificates for a highly scalable and secure wireless mesh network for critical infrastructure IPv6 wireless communication networks.

Sponsor Committee
BOG/CAG - Entity Collaborative Activities Governance Board
Active PAR
PAR Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE SA Board of Governors
Sponsor Committee
BOG/CAG - Entity Collaborative Activities Governance Board
Working Group
Wi-SUN - Adoption of Wi-SUN FAN Specification
IEEE Program Manager
Soo Kim
Contact Soo Kim
Working Group Chair
Gary Stuebing

Other Activities From This Working Group

Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

No Active Projects

Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.

IEEE Standard for Wireless Smart Utility Network Field Area Network (FAN)

This document describes a complete communications specification, encompassing layers 1 to 4 of the Open Systems Integration (OSI) network model, for a secure, wireless mesh communications network, using open standards communications and cybersecurity standards from standards organizations including Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The specification describes the functionality of the physical (PHY layer), medium access control (MAC layer), the network layer, transport layer and security parameters including certificate format for a highly scaleable and secure wireless mesh network for critical infrastructure ipv6 wireless communications networks.

Learn More About 2857-2021

These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.

No Superseded Standards

These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.

No Inactive-Withdrawn Standards

These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.

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