Active PAR


Standard for Self-Healing Global Positioning System (GPS) Signals

This project addresses risks, threats, vulnerabilities, impacts, and countermeasures facing GPS navigation systems. The standard is limited to countermeasures for semi-autonomous self-healing systems. The standard is limited from medium earth orbit at approximately 20 200 km (10 900 nmi) to a ground station on earth. The standard specifies the signal initiation point from the satellite all the way down to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) interface of the hardware. Specifically, this may include High-Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS), application, network, and/or hardware layers, and vice versa from the terminal ground station back to the satellite. Assuming the satellite is treated as a fixed-point location, this standard posits a time level T for the transfer of ephemerous data between satellites and ground stations.

Sponsor Committee
COM/EdgeCloud-SC - Edge, Fog, Cloud Communications with IOT and Big Data Standards Committee
Active PAR
PAR Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Communications Society
Learn More About IEEE Communications Society
Sponsor Committee
COM/EdgeCloud-SC - Edge, Fog, Cloud Communications with IOT and Big Data Standards Committee
Working Group
Self Healing GPS - Self-Healing Global Positioning System (GPS) Signals Working Group
IEEE Program Manager
Tom Thompson
Contact Tom Thompson
Working Group Chair
Hans Mumm

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