Active Standard

IEEE 1906.1.1-2020

IEEE Standard Data Model for Nanoscale Communication Systems

A set of YANG modules describing nanoscale communication systems and their associated physical quantities in conformance with IEEE Std 1906.1-2015--a common framework for all nanoscale communication technologies--are comprised by this data model. Physics unique to the nanoscale are represented by the model. The physics are referred to as non-standard, required by IEEE Std 1906.1-2015. Remote configuration and management for remote simulation, operation, and analysis of nanoscale communication systems are defined by the model. A self-describing data structure is defined by the model for datastores and repositories of nanoscale communication experimental data enabling a common understanding of the data from a wide variety of nanoscale communication media and technologies. Augmentation of the IEEE Std 1906.1-2015 common core components with details specific to the physics of the nanoscale communication system is allowed by the model. Techniques used by the model facilitate reuse and augmentation. In addition, extensions to IEEE Std 802.1Q and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) interfaces--allowing reusability within existing networks, which implies a macroscale to nanoscale interface, and defines nanoscale communication as a feature for bridge ports as defined in IEEE Std 802.1--are provided. The model is composed of simple, required core components while allowing optional, device-specific components and metrics to be added. There is conformity with best practices as defined by the IEEE 802 YANG editors' coordination committee and IETF RFC 6087, and consideration of coexistence and interoperability with existing domain models and tools, such as the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML).

Sponsor Committee
COM/EdgeCloud-SC - Edge, Fog, Cloud Communications with IOT and Big Data Standards Committee
Active Standard
PAR Approval
Board Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Communications Society
Learn More About IEEE Communications Society
Sponsor Committee
COM/EdgeCloud-SC - Edge, Fog, Cloud Communications with IOT and Big Data Standards Committee
Working Group
NanoCom - Nanoscale and Molecular Communications
IEEE Program Manager
Tom Thompson
Contact Tom Thompson
Working Group Chair
Stephen Bush

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework

A definition, terminology, conceptual model, and standard metrics for ad hoc network communication at the nanoscale are provided. Human-engineered networking is extended by the physical properties of nanoscale communication in ways beyond that defined in existing communication standards. These include in vivo, sub-cellular medical communication, smart materials and sensing at the molecular level, and the ability to operate in environments that would be too harsh for macroscale communication mechanisms to operate. Collaboration among a highly diverse set of disciplines with differing definitions and connotations for some terms is required by nanoscale communication, thus a common terminology is necessary in order to aid inter-discipline collaboration. A common framework for thinking abstractly about nanoscale communication can aid in defining and relating research and development effort. Components of the framework are independent enough to allow them to be developed in relative isolation, yet the components are also interoperable. To illustrate the recommended practice, example mappings between specific nanoscale communication use-cases and the common framework are included. Simulation code implementing the common framework for both wireless and molecular nanoscale communication is an embodiment of the common framework demonstrating precisely how the framework is applied.

Learn More About 1906.1-2015

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