Superseded by IEC/IEEE 62265-2005. ALF shall serve as the data specification language of library elements for design applications used to implement integrated circuits. The range of abstraction shall include from the register-transfer level (RTL) to the physical level. The language shall model behavior, timing, power, signal integrity, physical abstraction and physical implementation rules of library elements. The purpose of ALF is to provide a modeling language and semantics for functional, physical and electrical performance description of technology-specific libraries for cell-based and block-based design. Without a standard, design implementation tools would use multiple proprietary and tool-specific library descriptions. The semantics would be defined by tool implementations only, which are subject to change and prone to misinterpretation. Also there would be redundancy using multiple descriptions for similar library aspects. Therefore a standard is proposed to create a consistent library view suitable as a reference for all design implementation applications.
- Sponsor Committee
- C/DA - Design Automation
Learn More About C/DA - Design Automation - Status
- Inactive-Withdrawn Standard
- PAR Approval
- 2001-08-17
- Board Approval
- 2003-09-11
- History
- Withdrawn:
- 2010-01-09
- ANSI Approved:
- 2003-12-29
- Published:
- 2004-02-20
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Computer Society
Learn More About IEEE Computer Society - Sponsor Committee
- C/DA - Design Automation
Learn More About C/DA - Design Automation - Working Group
ALF_WG - Advanced Library Format Working Group
- IEEE Program Manager
- Vanessa Lalitte
Contact Vanessa Lalitte - Working Group Chair
- Wolfgang Roethig
Other Activities From This Working Group
Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.
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These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.
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