This document provides approaches and good practices for the design, planning, maintenance, and operation of Intentional Island Systems (IISs) and their integration and interoperability with other Electric Power Systems (EPSs). This includes the ability to separate from and reconnect to other EPSs while providing power to the IIS. This guide includes the Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), interconnection systems, components of the IIS, interoperability and protection requirements, mode transitions, communications, and interactions with other EPSs. The use of DERs for improving reliability of electric service to loads and resilience of the IIS is discussed. Also, some of the guidance provided in this document may be applicable to systems with no connection to any larger EPS–permanently islanded, stand-alone, or isolated power systems.
- Sponsor Committee
- BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee
Learn More About BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee - Status
- Active PAR
- PAR Approval
- 2023-06-05
- Superseding
- 1547.4-2011
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE SA Board of Governors
- Sponsor Committee
- BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee
Learn More About BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee - Working Group
1547.4WG - DR Island Systems Working Group
- IEEE Program Manager
- Malia Zaman
Contact Malia Zaman - Working Group Chair
- Michael Ropp
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IEEE Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of Distributed Resource Island Systems with Electric Power Systems
Alternative approaches and good practices for the design, operation, and integration of distributed resource (DR) island systems with electric power systems (EPS) are provided. This includes the ability to separate from and reconnect to part of the area EPS while providing power to the islanded EPSs. This guide includes the DRs, interconnection systems, and participating EPSs.