This standard defines an Internet of Things (IoT) TRusted Area Networking (TRAN) architecture, designated as IoT-TRAN, for harmonizing IEEE Std 1451 sensor networks, IoT and Industrial IoT (IIoT) systems. IoT-TRAN provides an interoperability framework, including communication and semantics, allowing data sharing and interoperability in a trusted environment in which security of messages, agreements between devices, life-cycle management, and ownership of devices are granted over a cloud-oriented, federated, and decentralized network of things. The standard is built on top of the eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). A set of technologies is identified, allowing different devices to interoperate regardless of underlying communication technology. Each such technology is built as a standardized extension to this open protocol. A gateway to IoT-TRAN is an infrastructural component identified as a binding providing technology-specific devices reachability and real-time transparent conversion with other devices using their respective IoT protocols. As part of the IEEE Std 1451 standard family, features like Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) and IEEE Std 1451.0 Universally Unique Identification (UUID) are leveraged in this standard to enhance the support of interfacing with IoT and IIoT systems.
- Sponsor Committee
- IM/ST - TC9 - Sensor Technology
- Joint Sponsors
- Status
- Active PAR
- PAR Approval
- 2024-05-22
- Open Source
- IEEE SA Open Source Project
- Open Source CLA
- Apache 2.0
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Learn More About IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society - Sponsor Committee
- IM/ST - TC9 - Sensor Technology
- Working Group
DASH - Devices and Systems Harmonization Working Group
- IEEE Program Manager
- Vanessa Lalitte
Contact Vanessa Lalitte - Working Group Chair
- Riccardo Brama
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