Data and Device Identity, Validation, and Interoperability in Connected Healthcare

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Data and Device Identity, Validation, and Interoperability in Connected Healthcare

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As clinical IoT devices become increasingly connected to each other and to other technologies, the ability of connected systems to safely, securely, and effectively exchange and use the information becomes critical. This session of the Global Connected Healthcare Cybersecurity Virtual Workshop series will discuss reference implementations for existing interface standards and explore critical unanswered questions regarding safety, identity, cybersecurity, and performance attributes of connected systems in the context of sustainable and scalable data and device interoperability.

There are critical needs for clinical-based interoperability standards that address clinical and non-clinical scenarios and define specific functional requirements and non-functional requirements, such as Quality of Service (QoS), quality of measurement (precision and accuracy), and, most importantly, safety to describe the essential performance requirements for such composite systems. Sustainable and scalable interoperability of data and devices can enable connectivity across networks to streamline management, deployment, and integration cycles; facilitate quality assurance and harmonization of data that maximizes its utility across systems and platforms; minimize errors and adverse events; encourage innovation by enhancing the quality of available data; and ultimately contribute to improvements in patient care and clinical outcomes.

We will explore how to best leverage emerging technologies, such as blockchain, AI/ML, and others as potential tools to mitigate interoperability challenges. Together we will develop recommendations for a pathway for standards to validate multi-vendor connected health technologies that enable a regulatory roadmap for approval of devices in interoperable composite systems.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding risk factors and critical needs for clinical-based interoperability standards from a patient-centric perspective using a systems approach and engineering best practices.
  • Exploring real world applications and pertinent use cases related to connected healthcare and clinical IoT, such as: Uses in clinical trials, multi-access edge computing, and applications of wearable biosensors throughout the patient journey in clinical and non-clinical settings.
  • Understanding the role of authentication for data and device identity across the product lifecycle, including Real World Data (RWD) and Real Word Evidence (RWE).
  • Understanding the role of governance frameworks for data harmonization to maximize security, quality, accessibility, and utility of information driving clinical decision making.
  • Identifying milestones for standard interoperability frameworks that allow for novel clinical solutions to be safely and efficiently incorporated, including approaches to incorporate standards for user interaction, patient interface, and device-to-device interoperability.

Presented By


Time Description
11:00AM Opening and Welcome Remarks

Maria Palombini, Director, IEEE SA Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice
Florence Hudson, Executive Director, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub

11:15AM Opening Presentation – Ensuring Sustainable and Scalable Data & Clinical IoT Interoperability with TIPPSS (Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety, Security)

Dr. Orlando Lopez, Director, Dental Materials and Biomaterials Programs, NIH/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR); IEEE/UL P2933 Subgroup Leader

11:25AM Panel Session: Data & Device Identity, Validation & Interoperability in Connected Healthcare

Florence Hudson, Executive Director, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub; Chair IEEE/UL P2933 Standards Working Group on Clinical IOT Data & Device Interoperability with TIPPSS

Dr. William Harding, Distinguished Technical Fellow at Medtronic, PLC; IEEE P2933 Co Vice-Chair
Simona Carini, Programmer/Analyst, University of California, San Francisco, IEEE P1752.1
Jim Nasr, CEO, Acoer

12:10PM Concurrent Breakouts with Facilitators

Clinical Data and Device Interoperability

Dr. Orlando Lopez, Director, Dental Materials and Biomaterials Programs, NIH/ NIDCR
David Snyder, Consultant 42 TEK, Inc.

Authentication for Human and Device Identity

John Cyrus, M.S.E.E, PMP, SMIEEE, Director, IEEE Northern Virginia Section; former USPTO IT Executive
Lina Garcés, Institute of Mathematics and Computing – IMC/UNIFEI, Brazil

Data Validation and Harmonization

Simona Carini, Programmer/Analyst, University of California, San Francisco, IEEE P1752.1
David Rotenberg, Senior VP, R&D and Engineering, Telefire

Human Factors in Clinical IoT Interoperability

Mitchell Parker, CISO, Indiana University Health
Kit (Katherine Grace) August PhD, Research Guest, Steven’s Institute of Technology

1:00PM Report Back — Concurrent Breakout Group Output Discussion
1:45PM Next Steps and Introduction to Workshop 4
2:00PM Workshop 3 Concludes


Simona Carini

Simona Carini

Programmer/Analyst, University of California, San Francisco, IEEE P1752.1


William Harding

Wiliam Harding

Distinguished Technical Fellow at Medtronic, PLC; IEEE P2933 Co Vice-Chair


Florence Hudson Headshot

Florence Hudson

Executive Director, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub; Chair IEEE/UL P2933 Standards Working Group: Clinical IOT Data & Device Interoperability with TIPPSS


Dr. Orlando Lopez

Dr. Orlando Lopez

Director, Dental Materials and Biomaterials Programs, NIH/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR); IEEE/UL P2933 Subgroup Leader


Jim Nasr Headshot

Jim Nasr

CEO, Acoer



Kit (Katherine Grace) August PhD

Kit (Katherine Grace) August, PhD

Research Guest, Stevens Institute of Technology


John Cyrus

John Cyrus, M.S.E.E, PMP, SMIEEE

Director, IEEE Northern Virginia Section; former USPTO IT Executive


Lina Garcés

Lina Garcés

Institute of Mathematics and Computing – IMC/UNIFEI, Brazil


Mitchell Parker

Mitchell Parker

CISO, Indiana University Health


David Rotenberg

David Rotenberg

Senior VP, R&D and Engineering, Telefire


David Snyder Headshot

David Snyder

Consultant, 42TEK, Inc.


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If you are interested in presenting a case study, new idea, or facilitating a breakout for this workshop OR learn more about branding and awareness opportunities within this topical area, please write to Maria Palombini, Director, IEEE SA HLS Practice, [email protected].


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Participation in this workshop is open to experts from anywhere in the world who are engaged, committed and prepared to openly collaborate to identify and develop solutions, engage in idea exchange and move the needle forward on the challenges enabling security vulnerabilities in connected wireless clinical devices and connected healthcare systems.

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