Superseded Standard

IEEE C37.41-2016/Cor 1-2017

IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-Voltage (>1000 V) Fuses and Accessories Corrigenda 1

Corrigenda concerning required procedures for performing design tests for high-voltage fuses are specified. These design tests, are appropriate to expulsion fuses, and cover interrupting tests and fuses using polymeric insulators.

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PE/SWG - Switchgear
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Superseded Standard
PAR Approval
Board Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Power and Energy Society
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Sponsor Committee
PE/SWG - Switchgear
Learn More About PE/SWG - Switchgear
Working Group
HVF/C37.41 - C37.41 - Standard for Design Tests and Specifications for High-Voltage (> 1000 V) Fuses and Accessories
IEEE Program Manager
Jennifer Santulli
Contact Jennifer Santulli
Working Group Chair
Sterlin Cochran

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Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

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Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.

IEEE Draft Standard for Design Tests and Specifications for High-Voltage (> 1000 V) Fuses and Accessories

Required procedures for performing design tests for high-voltage fuses, as well as for fuse disconnecting switches, are specified. These design tests, as appropriate to a particular device, include the following test types: dielectric, interrupting, radio-influence, temperature-rise, time-current, manual-operation, liquid-tightness, thermal-cycle, bolt-torque, withstand tests for motor circuit fuses, expulsion fuses using polymeric insulators, load-break, and short-time current.

Learn More About C37.41-2024

These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.

IEEE Standard Design Tests For High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories

Required procedures for performing design tests for high-voltage distribution-class and power-class fuses, as well as for fuse disconnecting switches and enclosed single-pole air switches are specified. These design tests, as appropriate to a particular device, include the following test types-dielectric, interrupting, load-break, making current, radio-influence, short-time current, temperature-rise, time-current, mechanical, and liquid-tightness.

Learn More About C37.41-2000

IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-Voltage (>1000 V) Fuses, Fuse and Disconnecting Cutouts, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Fuse Links and Accessories Used with These Devices

Required procedures for performing design tests for high-voltage distribution class and power class fuses, as well as for fuse-disconnecting switches and enclosed single-pole air switches, are specified. These design tests, as appropriate to a particular device, include the following test types: dielectric, interrupting, load-break, radio-influence, short-time current, temperature rise, time-current, manual operation, thermal-cycle, bolt torque, and liquid tightness.

Learn More About C37.41-2008

IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-Voltage (>1000 V) Fuses and Accessories

Revision of IEEE C37.41-2008 and supersedes IEEE C37.40-2003. Required procedures for performing design tests for high-voltage fuses, as well as for fuse disconnecting switches, are specified. These design tests, as appropriate to a particular device, include the following test types: dielectric, interrupting, radio-influence, temperature-rise, time-current, manual-operation, liquid-tightness, thermal-cycle, bolt-torque, withstand tests for motor circuit fuses, expulsion fuses using polymeric insulators, load-break, and short-time current.

Learn More About C37.41-2016

These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.

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These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.

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