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Recent Standards

IEEE 802-2024

IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture

IEEE 2020-2024

IEEE Standard for Automotive System Image Quality

IEEE N42.49.1-2024

IEEE Standard for Performance Criteria for Non-Alarming Personal Emergency Radiation Detectors (PERDs) for Exposure Control

IEEE 1666-2023/Cor 1-2025

IEEE Standard for Standard SystemC® Language Reference Manual--Corrigendum 1

IEEE 3001.3-2024

IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems: Voltage Considerations

IEEE C57.12.80-2024

IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers

IEEE C37.41-2024

IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Design Tests and Specifications for High-Voltage (> 1000 V) Fuses and Accessories

IEEE C37.20.10-2024

IEEE Approved Draft Standard Definitions for AC (52 kV and below) and DC (3.2 kV and below) Switchgear Assemblies

IEEE 1900.5.2-2024

IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Modeling Spectrum Consumption
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