2020 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day – Special Notice

Special Notice – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Please know that our thoughts are with those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The health and safety of our members and participants are our first priority.  We are closely monitoring any specific travel advisories through official channels, which include the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Before traveling to the conference, we recommend that you stay informed of any information your local health agencies may make available and take reasonable precautions to protect yourself. IEEE continues to closely monitor this dynamic situation and will provide updates with any developments.
Attendee Health and Safety Guidelines

We look forward to seeing you at Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day. The health and safety of all attendees is our primary goal. To ensure the well-being of all event participants, we have assembled the following guidelines to provide a safe and enjoyable experience.

General Guidelines

As a general rule, please use common sense when traveling to and attending the event. If you need assistance at any time, please reach out to Mary Ellen Hanntz.

Before the Event


  • Be sure to write down the location of the event venue:
    Knorrstraße 147, 80788 München, Germany
    +49 89 3820
  • Share your plans. Advise a family member or friend of your travel plans, including the dates you will be gone, how you will travel to the meeting, and where you are staying
  • Research your destination and review requirements for entry/exit, visa requirements, local laws, customs, medical care etc. If traveling abroad, note the location of the embassy or consulate of your home country.
  • Inform your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans and familiarize yourself with the local currency.
  • Keep medications in your carry-on luggage


  • Make at least two photocopies of all your travel documents (passport, driver’s license, credit cards, etc.). Leave one copy with a trusted person at home and carry the other separately from your original documents.
  • Keep your passport separate from your wallet to avoid theft. Do not carry your passport in your back pocket.

The World Health Organization (WHO) offers the following health guidance to help you prepare for your trip.

  • Read up on your destination (local diseases, packing recommendations, and preventative medications)
  • If travelling internationally, contact a travel medicine center or a physician, preferably 4—8 weeks before departure to receive any required vaccinations
  • Obtain prescriptions for your medications and assemble a suitable medical kit

Please visit the World Health Organization’s website for any travel advisories for your destination prior to your trip.

During the Event


  • Protect your identity. Wear your name badge only inside the meeting and convention facility; remove and secure your name badge when going to and from the meeting; when disposing of your name badge, scratch out or destroy your name and the QR code to protect your personal information;
  • Plan for an emergency. Be aware of your surroundings. Know where the nearest exists are located. Use the buddy system. Exchange contact information with another meeting attendee. In the event of an emergency, agree where you will meet up. Call for help if your buddy doesn’t meet up at the agreed location within a reasonable amount of time.
  • See something, say something. If you see something that raises a safety or security concern, please say something
  • Keep a close eye on your belongings at all times.  Avoid leaving bags on the ground or over the back of your chair.
  • Report any lost/stolen property or ID documents immediately by calling the local authorities. Promptly cancel any lost or stolen credit cards.
  • Do not leave beverages unattended and do not accept food or drinks from people you do not know
  • Lock your vehicle and secure any valuables
  • Do not indicate your room number on your hotel key


  • If you or a fellow participant require medical assistance during the event, immediately inform event staff or call local emergency services: 112
  • Carry documentation of medications, allergies, and blood type. Wear your medical alert bracelet if you have one.
  • Follow the World Health Organization’s (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at the event:
  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  2. Maintain social distancing (1 meter/3 feet) between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
  3. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
  4. When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth with flexed elbow or tissue. Throw tissue into closed bin immediately after use.
  5. If you have fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
  6. Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider

Emergency Contacts

  • If an emergency occurs requiring police support, please dial: 110

Emergency Evacuations

  • If you hear an alarm, please evacuate the facility immediately in a calm and orderly fashion. Pay close attention to your surroundings.
  • Follow all directions from emergency personnel and event staff.

Local Hospitals

Below find the contact information of the hospitals with emergency rooms closest to our event. If you are venturing outside of the event venue, please note that there may be closer hospitals. In an emergency, always contact emergency services by dialing 112 immediately.

  • Klinikum Schwabing
    Kölner Pl. 1, 80804 München, Germany
    +49 89 30680

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