Power Line Communication (PLC) in India

About the Activity

Several IoT technologies cater to various verticals that include transportation, urban planning, healthcare, connected vehicles, agriculture, telecom, etc. One of the significant technologies that will serve as a backbone for infrastructure growth to support these industries is Power Line Communication (PLC).

PLC is currently supported by IEEE 1901™, Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks and is being adopted in several projects across the world.

PLC technology has also been recommended by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as part of its Smart City Framework Policy Recommendations.

Goals of the Activity

This Industry Connections (IC) Program will help to advance PLC in India by developing Test Beds to provide an ecosystem for stakeholders that range from established industries to enterprise startups, enabling them to develop and test their solutions that have PLC as the core technology.

Deliverables and outcomes from this Industry Connections activity may include:

  • Outreach programs that my lead to White Papers/Reports on “Opportunities for PLC in India”
  • Establishment of at least 4 PLC Test Beds in a 2-year timeframe
  • Periodic Workshops/Conferences with focus on PLC-based solutions for an emerging India
  • Specific standard clauses that could be added to the existing IEEE 1901 standards that may include unique challenges in countries similar to India that strive to overcome bad quality of wiring, multi-hop technology, etc.

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

The Power Line Communication IC Program seeks to inform and influence:

  • Governments
  • Private Entities
  • Global Emerging Markets (Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America, Middle East, Eastern Europe & Central Asia

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the Establishment of PLC Test Beds in India activity, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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