High Power Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

About the Activity

The accelerated adoption rate of electric vehicles, as well as aggressive targets for achieving zero emission transportation, has led to increased interest and investment in transportation electrification. The rapid change has brought about countless innovations in EV battery and charger technologies. The chargers are moving from small level I and II to ultra-fast and MW scale. The increase in power and voltage rating of the EV Charging Station (EVCS) has signified the importance of submetering accuracy, interoperability, and safety of operation of the EVCS. As a result, standardized commissioning and performance verification for high-power EV charging infrastructures is critical.

The primary goal of this IC activity is to engage industry leaders and subject matter experts to capture state-of-the-art practices on technologies, and performance matrix associated with High Power Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for light, medium, and heavy-duty vehicles. Target ratings are 25 kW plus (e.g., 60 KW, 125 kW, and 350 kW, 500 kW, and higher).

Goals of the Activity

Expected deliverables and outcomes from Industry Connections activities will include preparation of white papers and proposals for standards, and organizing workshops and conferences with the aim of identifying the gaps and exploring technology advancement standardization needs. The deliverables of this IC activity will include:

  • Performing multiple surveys on technology assessment and gap analysis in standards and technologies
  • Publishing white papers on multiple topics (commissioning process, safety, operation, maintenance, and submetering accuracy verification)
  • Preparing proposals for standards: The aim would be to prepare proposals for one or two standard development topics, including tentative plans and timeline for initiating subsequent work

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

We welcome new participants from utilities, manufacturers, certification and standard bodies, government agencies, national labs, academia, consulting firms, and all entities interested in the high-power charging infrastructures. Members will be composed of, but not limited to:

  • Electric utility companies
  • Manufacturing companies (EVCS and EV)
  • Transportation department
  • Certification agencies (UL, NIST, NFPA, CSA, etc.)
  • National laboratories
  • Fleet operation organizers/owners
  • Consulting and engineering companies focused on transportation electrification

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the High Power Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure activity, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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