IEEE IoT Sensors Advisory Committee

About the Activity

Internet of Things (IoT) sensors have experienced explosive growth during the last decade and are poised for continued mass-scale adoption in smart cities, manufacturing, energy, healthcare, and automotive industries, including the forthcoming autonomous vehicles markets. This explosive growth has exposed issues that are beginning to negatively affect the adoption of IoT sensors in many industries.

Network interoperability and cybersecurity are the two most important issues consistently identified in sensors industry surveys and market reports and they are the biggest impediments to market growth. These issues manifest themselves in increased implementation costs, added complexity to systemwide cybersecurity solutions, and result in closed-loop/proprietary systems that limit free-market competition. Another major concern is the sustainability of sensors.

Goals of the Activity

The primary goal of this activity will be to reduce, if not eliminate, the interoperability and cybersecurity problems. This will be accomplished by developing implementation guidelines, data dictionaries, standardized sensors data sheets, certification, sensor registry, educational programs, and other services.

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

  • Sensor and actuators manufacturers
  • Sensor Routers/gateway
  • Integrators
  • User companies
  • Software (communication protocols, applications. cloud services)
  • Cybersecurity providers
  • SDOs, consortia
  • US government agencies
  • Academia

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the activity and how to join, please express your interest by filling out the IoT Sensors Advisory Committee interest form.

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