The procedures for testing the compliance of a wide variety of unlicensed wireless transmitters (also called intentional radiators and license-exempt transmitters) including, but not limited to, remote control and security unlicensed wireless devices, frequency hopping and direct sequence spread spectrum devices, anti-pilferage devices, cordless telephones, medical unlicensed wireless devices, Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices, intrusion detectors, unlicensed wireless devices operating on frequencies below 30 MHz, automatic vehicle identification systems, and other unlicensed wireless devices authorized by a radio regulatory authority are covered in this standard. Excluded by this standard are test procedures for unlicensed wireless devices already covered in other published standards (e.g., Unlicensed Personal Communication Services (UPCS) devices).
- Sponsor Committee
- Status
- Active Standard
- Superseding
- C63.10-2013
- Amendment
- Corrigendum
- History
- ANSI Approved:
- 2020-09-10
- Published:
- 2021-01-29
Additional Resources
- Downloads
- 10142237
Working Group Details
- Society
- Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Sponsor Committee
Other Activities From This Working Group
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These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.
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