Superseded Standard

IEEE/ISO/IEC 29119-5-2016

ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing -- Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing

This part of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 defines an efficient and consistent solution for Keyword-Driven Testing by: - giving an introduction to keyword-driven testing; - providing a reference approach to implement keyword-driven testing; - defining requirements on frameworks for keyword-driven testing to enable test engineers to share their work items, such as test cases, test data, keywords, or complete test specifications; - defining minimum requirements for tools, which are necessary to fully utilize keyword-driven testing. These requirements could apply to any tools which support the keyword-driven approach (e.g. test automation, test design and test management tools); - defining interfaces and a common data exchange format to ensure that tools from different vendors can exchange their data (e.g. test cases, test data and test results); - defining levels of hierarchical keywords, and giving advice when to use hierarchical keywords, when to use "flat" structured keywords, and describe specific types of keywords (e.g. keywords for navigation or for checking something); - providing an initial list of suggested generic technical (low level) keywords, such as "inputData" or "checkValue". These keywords can be used to specify test cases on a technical level, and may be composed to create business level keywords as required. This standard is applicable for all those who want to create keyword-driven test specifications, create corresponding frameworks, or build test automation based on keywords.

Sponsor Committee
C/S2ESC - Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee
Learn More About C/S2ESC - Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee
Superseded Standard
PAR Approval
Superseded by
Board Approval

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Working Group Details

IEEE Computer Society
Learn More About IEEE Computer Society
Sponsor Committee
C/S2ESC - Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee
Learn More About C/S2ESC - Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee
Working Group
SF - Working Group for Software Testing
IEEE Program Manager
Patricia Roder
Contact Patricia Roder
Working Group Chair
Jon Hagar

Other Activities From This Working Group

Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

Software and systems engineering -- Incident management

This document defines an incident management process and supporting documentation that can be used to manage and implement incident management within any organization, project or maintenance activity. Supporting informative diagrams describing the process and example documents are also provided. This standard is applicable to incident management in all life cycle models. It discusses the relationship of incident management to problem management and can be applied to security incident management.

Learn More About P23612

Software and systems engineering – Software testing – Part 8: Model-based Testing

This standard provides requirements and guidelines on applying model-based testing (MBT) to software testing consistent with the processes defined in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 series of standards. This standard addresses the following areas: a) Definitions for MBT b) Mapping of the MBT tasks to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-2 c) How the processes in ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-2 are extended for MBT d) Measures to be collected for the MBT tasks In MBT, the generation and execution of testware are automated. The MBT generation algorithm implementation is tool-dependent and, therefore, is out of the scope. The MBT tool selection is also out of the scope.

Learn More About P29119-8

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