Active Standard

IEEE 287.1-2021

IEEE Standard for Precision Coaxial Connectors at RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Frequencies--Part 1: General Requirements, Definitions, and Detailed Specifications

The IEEE 287 series of documents presents the combined efforts of IEEE P287 Working Group that reflect the knowledge and experience of leading specialists in the development and measurement of precision coaxial connectors for RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave frequencies. It presents minimum performance requirements to standardize both hermaphroditic and pin and socket-type connectors (IEEE Std 287.1-2021, this document). It provides recommended electrical and mechanical test procedures for Instrument Grade and Metrology Grade precision connectors (IEEE Std 287.2-2021). Recommended reference procedures including connector effects, connector care and cleaning, connector repeatability and reproducibility test procedures, and a color code for connectors are detailed in the third part of the series (IEEE Std 287.3- 2021). A bibliography provides a list of pertinent references for measurement techniques used in determining electrical, mechanical, and dimensional parameters for coaxial connectors.

Sponsor Committee
IM/HFM - TC4 - High Frequency Measurement
Joint Sponsors
Active Standard
PAR Approval
Board Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Learn More About IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Sponsor Committee
IM/HFM - TC4 - High Frequency Measurement
Working Group
287_WG - Precision Coaxial Connectors Working Group
IEEE Program Manager
Patrycja Jarosz
Contact Patrycja Jarosz
Working Group Chair
Ronald Ginley

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Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

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Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.

IEEE Recommended Practice for Precision Coaxial Connectors at RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Frequencies--Part 2: Test Procedures

The IEEE 287 series of documents presents the combined efforts of IEEE 287 Working Group that reflect the knowledge and experience of leading specialists in the development and measurement of precision coaxial connectors for RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave frequencies. It presents minimum performance requirements to standardize both hermaphroditic and pin-and socket- type connectors (IEEE Std 287.1). It provides a recommended practice for electrical and mechanical test procedures for Instrument Grade and Metrology Grade precision connectors (IEEE Std 287.2, this document). Recommended reference procedures including connector effects, connector care and cleaning, connector repeatability and reproducibility test procedures, and a color code for connectors are detailed in the third part of the standard (IEEE Std 287.3). The bibliography provides a list of pertinent references for measurement techniques used in determining electrical, mechanical, and dimensional parameters for coaxial connectors

Learn More About 287.2-2021

IEEE Recommended Practice for Precision Coaxial Connectors at RF, Microwave, and Millimeteter-wave Frequencies-Part 3: Connector Effects, Uncertainty Specifications, and Recommendations for Performance

The P287 series of documents presents the combined efforts of IEEE P287 Working Group that reflect the knowledge and experience of leading specialists in the development and measurement of precision coaxial connectors for RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave frequencies. It presents minimum performance requirements to standardize both hermaphroditic and pin-and socket- type connectors (IEEE Std 287.1). It provides a recommended practice for electrical and mechanical test procedures for Instrument Grade and Metrology Grade precision connectors (IEEE Std 287.2, this document). Recommended reference procedures including connector effects, connector care and cleaning, connector repeatability and reproducibility test procedures, and a color code for connectors are detailed in the third part of the standard (IEEE Std 287.3). The bibliography provides a list of pertinent references for measurement techniques used in determining electrical, mechanical, and dimensional parameters for coaxial connectors.

Learn More About 287.3-2021

These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.

Precision Coaxial Connectors

Learn More About 287-1968

These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.

No Inactive-Withdrawn Standards

These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.

IEEE Standard for Precision Coaxial Connectors (DC to 110 GHz)

This standard presents the combined efforts of IEEE Subcommittee P287 that reflect the knowledge and experience of leading specialists in the development and measurement of precision coaxial connectors from dc to 110 GHz. It presents minimum performance requirements to standardize both hermaphroditic and pin- and socket-type connectors. It provides recommended electrical and mechanical test procedures for general and laboratory precision connectors. A bibliography provides a list of pertinent references for measurement techniques used in determining electrical, mechanical, and dimensional parameters for coaxial connectors. Remarks: Revision of IEEE Std 287-1968

Learn More About 287-2007

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