Active Standard

IEEE 2030.10.1-2023

IEEE Standard for Electricity Access Requirements with Safety Extra-Low Voltage Direct Current for Tier 2 and Tier 3 of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) Multi-Tier Framework for Household Electricity Supply

Specifications are provided by this standard for direct current (dc)-based installations to address requirements given in Tier 2 and Tier 3 of the multi-tier framework (MTF). The MTF is discussed in detail in the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) report published by the World Bank. Installation rules are provided by this standard, which is meant to be used in areas that are not connected to the ac public distribution network, for basic electricity supply from a renewable source. Use of a safety extra-low voltage (SELV) that can be safer to operate under normal, dry conditions is advocated by the standard. Circuit/branch current is limited to make it more difficult for an arc to propagate. Power access, which is possible without any special parts, is delivered by this approach. Wiring that is similar to that used in an ac system in a cost-effective and scalable manner can be used by the resultant installation.

Sponsor Committee
BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee
Learn More About BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee
Active Standard
PAR Approval
Board Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE SA Board of Governors
Sponsor Committee
BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee
Learn More About BOG/SC21 - Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Interoperability Standards Committee
Working Group
P2030.10.1 - WG for Electricity Access Requirements with SELV DC_P2030.10.1
IEEE Program Manager
Malia Zaman
Contact Malia Zaman
Working Group Chair
Rajesh Kunnath

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