Active PAR


Standard for Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access: Terminology Relating to Emerging Wireless Networks, System Functionality, and Spectrum Management

This standard provides definitions and explanations of key concepts in the fields of spectrum management, spectrum trading and licensing, cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum access, policy based radio systems, software-defined radio, and related advanced radio system technologies. The document goes beyond simple, short definitions by providing amplifying text that explains these terms in the context of the technologies that use them. The document also describes how these technologies interrelate and create new capabilities while at the same time providing mechanisms supportive of new spectrum management paradigms.

Sponsor Committee
COM/DySPAN-SC - Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee
Learn More About COM/DySPAN-SC - Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee
Active PAR
PAR Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Communications Society
Learn More About IEEE Communications Society
Sponsor Committee
COM/DySPAN-SC - Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee
Learn More About COM/DySPAN-SC - Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee
Working Group
DYSPAN-1900.1WG - DYSPAN - Terms, Definitions and Concepts for Spectrum Management Working Group
IEEE Program Manager
Dalisa Gonzalez
Contact Dalisa Gonzalez
Working Group Chair
Francesco Benedetto

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Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

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Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.

IEEE Standard for Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access: Terminology Relating to Emerging Wireless Networks, System Functionality, and Spectrum Management

Definitions and explanations of key concepts in the fields of spectrum management, spectrum trading, cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum access, policy-based radio systems, software defined radio, and related advanced radio system technologies are provided. Beyond simple, short definitions, amplifying text explaining these terms in the context of the technologies that use them is provided. Also described is how these technologies interrelate and create new capabilities while at the same time providing mechanisms supportive of new spectrum management paradigms.

Learn More About 1900.1-2019

These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.

IEEE Standard Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access: Terminology Relating to Emerging Wireless Networks, System Functionality, and Spectrum Management

Because of the complexity and interrelationship of some of the terms used in discussing advanced radio system technologies, additional tutorial material is provided in informative annexes and NOTES. It is the purpose of this additional tutorial material to amplify and clarify the briefer definitions. However, it is not the intent of this informative text to provide an exhaustive description of these technologies and new spectrum management concepts, but to provide high-level descriptive information to supplement the brief definitions. Clause 2 of the document provides definitions of advanced radio system terms, whereas Clause 3 defines the functional capabilities associated with these systems. Clause 4 defines some network technologies that support the distributed functionality of these systems. Spectrum management terms and definitions are found in Clause 5. Ancillary terms are found in Clause 6. The annexes are non-normative (not part of the standard) but are included to provide additional information on the advanced radio system and spectrum management concepts that are the focus of this standard.

Learn More About 1900.1-2008

IEEE Standard Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access: Terminology Relating to Emerging Wireless Networks, System Functionality, and Spectrum Management Amendment 1: Addition of New Terms and Associated Definitions

An amendment to the published IEEE Std 1900.1-2008 to add new terms and definitions.

Learn More About 1900.1a-2012

These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.

No Inactive-Withdrawn Standards

These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.

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