Active Standard

IEEE 1680.2-2024

IEEE Standard for Environmental Assessment of Imaging Equipment

A clear and consistent set of environmental performance criteria for the design of imaging equipment products is established, providing an opportunity to secure market recognition for efforts to reduce the environmental impact of electronic products. This standard is also intended to provide a tool for government, institutional, corporate, and consumer purchasers to identify products that demonstrate environmental leadership. The intent is that the standard will be updated and revised periodically to continue to set a higher performance standard for leadership products. (The PDF of this standard is available at no charge compliments of the sponsorship by Green Electronics Council.

Standard Committee
C/SABSC - Standards Activities Board Standards Committee
Active Standard
PAR Approval
Board Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Computer Society
Standard Committee
C/SABSC - Standards Activities Board Standards Committee
Working Group
1680.2-.3 - Standard for Environmental Assessment of Imaging Equipment and Television
IEEE Program Manager
Soo Kim
Contact Soo Kim
Working Group Chair
Christopher Cleet

Other Activities From This Working Group

Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

No Active Projects

Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.

IEEE Standard for Environmental Assessment of Televisions

A clear and consistent set of environmental performance criteria for the design of televisions is established, providing an opportunity for manufacturers to secure market recognition for efforts to reduce the environmental impact of electronic products. This standard is also intended to provide a tool for government, institutional, corporate, and consumer purchasers to identify products that demonstrate environmental leadership. This standard is intended to be updated and revised on a periodic basis to continue to set a higher performance standard for leadership products. (The PDF of this standard is available at no charge compliments of the sponsorship by Green Electronics Council.

Learn More About 1680.3-2024

These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.

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These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.

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These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.

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