CBN Weekly, interview with Konstantinos Karachalios, Managing Director, IEEE SA


konstantinos“Enterprises Should Actively Participate in Standards Setting”
Actively participating in standards setting process not only provides a platform for companies to give their inputs, but also give them the opportunity to integrate their private technologies into standards, and participating companies will have the advantage of knowing the status of standards development, thus to be the first in the market for more business opportunities once the standards are made.

The first challenge involved in standards setting is antitrust, the next one is patent protection, lastly is product performance, which will directly reflect the quality of associated standards. The basics in unified standards that will benefit the whole industry moving forward are interoperability and transferability. And during the setting process, OpenStand principles, strict setting process and balance are the key elements to be followed. Small and medium enterprises should be aware of the importance of standards especially international standards. They can start participating from industrial and national standards then eventually reach international level as the companies develop.

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