IEEE SA Membership for Organizations

IEEE SA offers organizations such as corporations, universities and governments a membership option that affords participants the ability to engage and influence technology development to ensure their organizations’ interests are represented.

This IEEE SA Membership option, also known as Entity Membership, is recommended for companies and organizations in which standards play a pivotal role in research, product development, and marketing. Organizational Members, or Entity Members, enjoy networking and access to a broad cross-section of industry thought leaders and standards development participants.

All entity standards are balloted using a “one-entity, one-vote” principle, ensuring a uniform playing field among standards collaborators.

This membership program invites diverse, global participation and cross-discipline expertise:

  • Small-Midsize Companies
  • Multinational & Global Corporations
  • Government Agencies
  • Trade Associations
  • User Groups
  • Universities
  • Other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs)

Program Tiers Designed to Fit Your Organization

IEEE SA offers Entity Membership tiers based on the size of your organization.

Entity Members engage in the standards development process with unlimited balloting privileges, eligibility for leadership positions, networking opportunities and value-added benefits. Entity Members and Entity Member Representatives can also exercise voting privileges in an unlimited number of entity-based projects. (Additional fees may apply)

Entity Membership Benefits at a Glance

Working Group Activities

  • Unlimited entity working group attendance as participants and observers
  • Ability to initiate new entity standards projects
  • Voting privileges in an unlimited number of entity projects (additional working group fees may apply)
  • Unlimited sponsor balloting of entity projects

Leadership Opportunities

  • Eligibility to serve as Working Group officers on entity standards projects

Governance Nomination Privileges


  • Ability to subscribe to working group email reflector
  • Receive SA newsletter with updates, events, activities

Value-Added Features & Options

  • Complimentary IEEE SA individual memberships, depending on entity membership tier
  • IEEE standards discounts via your complimentary individual memberships
  • Free company listing on IEEE SA Entity Members Full Listing
  • Listing of individuals who have declared affiliation with your company and expressed interest in IEEE SA entity working groups, upon request

Entity Members can also take advantage of:

  • Access to the Entity Membership Portal, a one-stop location for all your membership needs
  • Assignment of an IEEE SA Program Manager for guidance on navigating the Standards Development process
  • Complementary Marketing Tools and Templates
  • Training & Development Opportunities

Entity Membership Annual Fees

Membership Pricing Tier Price
Tier 1 – Corporations with less than $5 million annual revenue, academic institutions, associations, nonprofits, government agencies.
Includes 2 individual memberships
US $4,200
Tier 2 – Corporations with $5 to $100 million annual revenue.
Includes 5 individual memberships
US $8,000
Tier 3 – Corporations with $100 to $500 million annual revenue.
Includes 7 individual memberships
US $12,000
Tier 4 – Corporations with more than $500 million in annual revenue.
Includes 10 individual memberships
US $16,000

Please contact us for Per Ballot Fees.

Next Steps

I would like to take action!

Apply for Membership

Become an entity member with IEEE SA.

IEEE SA Entity Members Full Listing

Find out if your company is a Member and see other Entity Participants.

View Existing Entity Standards

Comprehensive list of standards developed using the Entity Process.

Find Entity Standards in Development

Listing of current entity standards in development.

Entity Membership FAQs

Learn more about the IEEE SA model & development process.

IEEE SA Entity Program

Learn more about the Entity Program.

Contact the Entity Program

Connect with Entity Program staff.

I want to explore other areas.

Entity Collaborative Activities Governance Board (CAG)

Learn more about the advisory body to IEEE SA entity members.

IEEE SA Board of Governors (BOG) and Committees

Learn more about the governing committee behind IEEE SA.

Baseline Operating Procedures for Entity Standards Working Groups (DOC)

Entity standards working group responsibilities and members’ roles.

Capabilities Brochure

Learn more about IEEE SA’s capabilities and involvement opportunities.

Learn about the Standards Development Lifecycle

Learn about the six stage lifecycle behind the development of IEEE Standards.

Get Involved With IEEE SA

Learn the many ways of involvement with IEEE SA as well as entity standards development.

Access eTools

IEEE SA offers a variety of tools to assist in the standards development process.

Entity Membership is required for working group member or voting privileges. If you are not a member, but looking to get involved in a different capacity, please contact the working group to discuss.

Every entity participating in an IEEE SA entity standards working group is required to be an Entity Member of IEEE SA to become a working group member or hold voting privileges.

Interested in Becoming an Entity Member?
Already an Entity Member?
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