IEEE Standards Permission For Use Form

IEEE Standards Permission for Use Form

Permission request for material published by IEEE Standards Association

All requests for permission for use of IEEE copyrighted material published by IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) must be submitted to IEEE SA through this online form. Requests include but are not limited to reproductions (print, pdf), translations, and adoptions. Requests by phone will not be accepted.

Permission for use of material published by other IEEE units must be submitted through RightsLink.

Learn more about referencing, reprinting, adopting, translating, and requesting permission to use IEEE standards.

* Required Fields
* Requesting organization
* Contact name
* Address
* City
* State/Province
* Country
* Email
* Type of organization

Please select one of the above options.
IEEE Staff Contact
* Document(s) requested

(please list the titles of any documents other than standards that are being requested for use)

* Standard designation

(please list any standards being requested for use by standard number)

* Scope of use

(please explain in detail what the document will be used for and how the material will be used)

Formats being requested
Number of copies
Tables/figures requested

(ex. Table 1, Section 4, Page 20)

* Commercial Use

Please select one of the above options.
Copyright approval granted previously
Text sections requested

(ex. Paragraph 3, Section 1, Page 17)

Upload supplementary information or documents
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