Coalition for Advanced Reactor Licensing (CARL)

About the Activity

There are many new Advanced Reactors being designed that are safer than the current Light Water Reactors. Some of the new designs are Light Water Reactors but many are not. There are gaps in codes, standards, and regulations for these First of Kind reactors being developed. It takes up to 8 years to create a standard or regulatory guide, once identified. The NRC is a model in innovation and efficiency but could not meet the demands of reviewing these new license applications in a timely manner. Conversely, Applicants might be faced with ambiguity in what to include in their application. The goal of CARL is to identify priority topics of Uncertainty that would be of concern to the regulator and develop targeted position papers, case studies and other output that would directly support the license applicant in their Advanced Reactor license application. Such output will include regulator review which in turn would provide input for subsequent Standards and Regulatory Guides.

Goals of the Activity

The advanced reactor technical community is rapidly growing and evolving space with a diverse set of technical and programmatic stakeholders. Activities and work products from CARL would provide the basis for guidance documentation as it relates to existing and new standards that would facilitate the timely and safety review of licensing submission documentation from device and technology developers as well as the support organizations from SDOs to the US NRC as applicable.

This activity will provide needed guidance documentation and the coordination of technical resources across multiple stakeholders, including manufacturers, regulators, SDOs, and other organizations to facilitate the construction of advanced nuclear reactors in the US and internationally. While approaches vary in complexity and similarity to reactors currently in service, there is a level of uncertainty that has to be resolved to maximize the potential impact of their implementation on the electric grid. Advanced reactor designs that are modular in nature, easy to assemble on-site, and with safer functionality provide the potential for clean energy solutions that reduce carbon in the environment, improve air quality, generate hydrogen for energy, desalinate seawater and meet the increasing power demands worldwide.

Proposed deliverables include position papers that address technical issues such as implementation of digital twins and regulatory guidance such as requests for additional information (RAIs) for specific advanced reactor designs that would be used in the development of Codes, Standards, Regulatory Guides (RGs).

Getting Involved

Who Should Get Involved

Regulator(s), National Labs, IEEE NPEC, ANS, ASME, IEC, ASCE, ACI, ASTM, ISA, NFPA, NEI, EPRI, License Applicants, Prospective Applicants, Suppliers (A&E Firms, Equipment and Technical Service Suppliers)

How to Get Involved

To learn more about the program and how to join the Coalition for Advanced Reactor Licensing (CARL) activity, please express your interest by sending an inquiry to the activity chair whose information can be found in the Contacts section.

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